Solar Probe alive after being closest ever to Sun


Eutelsat KONNECT

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Recall that the Parker Probe Solar Probe the size of a $ 1.5 trillion vehicle launched on a rocket Delta IV Heavy from Cape Canaveral in the US state of Florida in August 2018.

Now, we have made humanity our first choice, which will have implications not just here on Earth, but for a deeper understanding of our universe. NASA knows what kind of intense environment it has to do with the sun, and it has been designed with incredible temperatures. The final and closest approach to the Sun's surface is expected in 2024. The spacecraft is officially only 15 million miles from our star, a record previously set by the Helios B back in 1976.

What is NASA Parker Solar Probe? The other three beacons indicate something is wrong with the probe or one of its systems.

"Parker Solar Probe was created to take care of itself and its precious payload during this approach," said Thomas Zurbuchen, Associate Administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

Nasa has has even bigger plans – 23 years old. which should go even closer to the surface and break even more records.

"[The] Parker Solar Probe reaches a speed of 213,200 miles per hour, setting a new record for spacecraft speed, NASA said. breaking its own previous record.

The PSP has a heat shield that is programmed to keep oriented towards the sun. For its first pass, NASA says the probe is about 820 degrees Fahrenheit.

The first phase of convergence will end on 11 November and a few weeks later, the probe will be transmitted to Earth science data.

30 minutes ago, the researchers search for better understanding of space, such as solar winds. The space agency will not re-establish communications with the spacecraft until it is far enough to avoid radio interference.

Hailed as the "culmination of six decades of scientific progress", Parker is operating well with all instruments running and collecting science data, according to Nasa.

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