Solo writer think Thandie Newton was too good for his role in Star Wars


A number of people had a number of problems with Solo: A story of Star Wars when he came out last year. It turns out that one of the authors of the film can agree with at least one of the critics. Overnight, Solo The co-writer Jon Kasdan took Twitter to broadcast a lot of interesting information about the film, released today on Digital, including the fact that, according to him, Thandie Newton really understood the film. According to Kasdan …

It can be difficult to find a balance when you sometimes have an important character, but this role is to die at the end of the first act. Jon Kasdan says that it was still expected that Beckett's crew would die on the heels and that he would only have Han and Chewbacca left, but that the movie played the role of Val in the role of the great Thandie Newton. took the problem with her being killed.

On the one hand, if people had been able to go, it might not have been such a problem, but films like Solo: A story of Star Wars be sure to keep the spoilers secure, so when we heard that Thandie Newton was being played, everyone assumed that it was for an important role. We had no reason to believe that she would die so soon.

Of course, however, launching a great actress like Thandie Newton explains in part why death works so well. Because you do not expect a movie to kill a great actress like Westworld star so fast, you are completely disconcerted when the story wins. Thandie Newton's character had her own movie poster alongside other big stars, which was obviously done specifically to hide what had happened, and it worked. If a smaller name was in the role, you are less surprised when they do not survive.

The thing is, while part of the problem was that the Solo: A story of Star Wars blew Thandie Newton, the other part of the problem was that Solo exploded the second most important female role in the film, and the only one to be played by a woman of color. Once Val was dead, there was only one major role played by a woman. That would have been a problem in Solo regardless of who was thrown into the game. While the Star wars the franchise has done a better job with the female characters of recent times, only because they started from scratch, and even now, the movies do not seem to detach themselves from the white castings. Thandie Newton was a major exception, so many people hoped that she would stay.

Of his comments, it looks like Jon Kasdan is beginning to regret that someone is "interesting" while Thandie Newton was in that role. In any case, the problem was that Val was not interesting enough because the public had not had time to know it.

Sometimes, to tell the story you want to tell, the characters have to die and if you want these deaths to have an impact on the audience, they have to worry about the character. Casting Thandie Newton helped this work, but it would not be great if Star Wars were to find a place for the actress and other equally interesting actresses in the future.

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