Some ask why Curt Schilling was not part of the World Series | Survey – News –


When the stars of the 2004 World Series World Championship, the Boston Red Sox took the field to throw the first pitch before the World Series match on Wednesday night at Fenway Park, a star was clearly missing.

Curt Schilling.

David Ortiz was there. Pedro Martinez and Kevin Millar too. But Schilling, who propelled his team past the Yankees in the ALCS and won the second game of the series against the St. Louis Cardinals while he pitched with an injured ankle, was not with his former teammates.

At least one fan has contacted Schilling on Twitter to ask questions about it.

"Did the Red Sox even ask you if you wanted to be part of the first throw-in ceremonies tonight," @ johnkos1980. "If I remember correctly, you were a very important part of this team."

"No," Schilling replied. "No worries though, it's nice to see @PedroMartinez @davidoritz and @ KMillar14" The walks pimper "though .. Oh and I have to keep my 3 rings and 3 trophies, so that's all good. "

Schilling's wife, Shonda, was not as measured in her response, noting that her husband had won the second match of the 2004 World Series at the same time 14 years earlier.

"The property had no problem with him when he sliced ​​and pulled his ankle up to the height.Always better to drive 8 men rather than ask a man who stayed and raised his family here 25 km from the stadium, "she tweeted. .

Boston Globe columnist Dan Shaughnessy said, "We did not contact him," said an unnamed Red Sox official. But this is not out of spite. Originally, it would only be Pedro and David, as well as Wake and Millar, but we have heard a few other people and they are included. "

Shaughnessy said that in addition to Martinez, Ortiz and Millar, Tim Wakefield, Jason Varitek, Keith Foulke and Alan Embree were to travel to Fenway for the pre-game ceremony.

The sports talk radio began to be picked up on Thursday morning. People were also discussing it on social media. Shaughnessy noted that Schilling's political stances have fueled controversy in recent years. And, of course, the people of Rhode Island will remember Schilling for his failing video game company, 38 Studios, and the millions of dollars of public funding that the company has sunk.

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