Someone has built a Delorean that can fly and that is for sale


DeLorean Flying is on sale on Ebay and you can use it to help Marty McFly.

Well, it's technically a hovercraft that looks like a DeLorean, and Marty McFly is not real yet, but the owner has promised 10% of the sale price to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's research.

The vehicle is not a converted DeLorean, but its bodywork was designed in polystyrene and fiberglass to look like it, but the boat is able to sail and has functional gull-shaped doors. It rides on a classic hovercraft chassis that uses two motors to power a 24-inch fan for the elevator and a 36-inch fan for thrust.

It will not reach 88 mph and has no flow capacitor, but the seller says it can reach a speed of 31 mph with fresh water. Initially, she had a transparent skirt for a complete levitation effect, but she was recently replaced by a stronger and only translucent skirt.

The vehicle is located in San Francisco and rated at $ 45,000. This award includes a lesson on how to handle this unique creation, but unfortunately, this is not the case with Doc Brown.

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