Sonny Gray of New York Yankees calls last difficult start 'embarrassing'


NEW YORK – Sonny Gray, embarrassed and disappointed, unveiled on Saturday night his irregular start in the Yankees' New York pitcher rotation, just after being beaten in one of his worst outings yet. in fine lines.

Gray said in the home clubhouse.

He was in the third round of the Yankees' 11-0 loss to the Boston Red Sox when the besieged Gray was serenading with boos from the over 47,000 people watching the second game of this series at Yankee Stadium. The night before, another crowd was selling his approval throughout the seven-length gem of CC Sabathia in a 8-1 win over New York.

Saturday's Boos came that Gray left the mound after allowing six hits and seven runs in one outing it lasted 2⅓ innings. Just before his departure, the Yankees' fans saw manager Aaron Boone come out from behind to shoot the pitcher of the match.

"If I were there, I would probably have booed louder," Gray said. "I understand how important these games are and I understand the importance of each game, especially here with the Yankees, we hope to win

" Play as we did [Friday] and play as if we play, and then go out [Saturday] and somehow just spot them six times in the first two rounds, it's just disappointing. "

" We are the best baseball team four days out of five, and then I go out and do that. It's just nil. "

Yankees RHP Sonny Gray

With the defeat, Gray's record dropped to 5-6. One night after returning tied for first place in the American League East with the Red Sox, the Yankees fell back from a match.

Gray was like Jekyll and Hyde when it came to throwing home and pitching on the road

On the road this season, Gray has a 3.28 ERA and has not allowed than two circuits. He scored 2.51 in nine innings and retired 9.26

at Yankee Stadium, he had a 8.25 ERA and allowed seven hits, including the Grand Slam of Saturday's first round at Rafael Devers of the Red Sox. He also beat 5.75 home batters by nine innings and withdrew just 6.25.

Gray, who came to New York from Oakland as part of a bargaining deadline agreement last July, had trouble explaining the difference

"I would like to know," he said.

Following this latest outing, Gray's career in the house at Yankee Stadium was inflated at 7:10 am. This is the highest among all throwers in the history of the Yankees with at least 13 home starts. He also finished second on the all-time franchise list with the current average of 8.25.

Gray adds that he does not think he's experiencing extra pressure for having to perform in a bigger market.

"I do not know if" pressure "is the right word, I mean, it's fun," Gray said. "I'm waiting to go out and play, and as I threw the ball, I do not think it's fun, we're the best baseball team four days out of five, and then I'm coming." just feared. "

Boone gave Gray a vote of confidence in telling him that he had no plans to stop throwing him into the Bronx

" He has everything what it takes to rock here. "Boone said." We've seen enough good outings from him where he's built some momentum. I know physically that he's in a good position when it comes to his business, and now we just have to unlock it. And a good exit, he can hope to get "

The month of June had been a very strong month for Gray, who had been 2-1 in his last five starts of the month. One of the victories was an eight-run double in Toronto. At the end of May, he also had an eight-stroke four-stroke that allowed Kansas City to win.

"In many ways … [he’s] has played a lot better for most of his last six games. seven starts, "said Boone." But he had some problems here and we have to continue working with him. "

After a promising start in which he pulled out the first two batters of the match, Gray's night was defeated when Red Sox DH JD Martinez beat a single on a ball in the center.The Yankees' second baseman, Gleyber Torres, strove to make the ball hard and turned the ball into a throw. Derek Jeter-esque jump

Martinez started the pitch and started a rally that culminated with Devers' Grand Slam.

Since arriving in New York, Gray has been 0-4 with a 9 , 35 against the Red Sox.He allowed four home runs in these four starts against them.But he does not think it's accurate to say that Boston had his number.

"I mean , I have not beaten a lot of teams since I was here, I have been bad against R Ed Sox, I've been bad against a lot of teams, "Gray said. "I do not think it can be said that one team in particular has my number, but I have been bad against several teams."

Gray is also 0-3 against the Tampa Bay Rays, giving up five homers in three outings from them.

"I am well aware of all the ways I've struggled here, I would just like to know," Gray said. "I just have to try to stay positive, and every time I get the ball, I go out and have a good week's work."

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