Sony Fox Marvel X-Men MCU Avengers: Spider-Man heroes and villains wounding their movies


Since Fox's blockbuster movie X Men was released in theaters in 2000, the Marvel superheroes dominated the box office. 20th Century Fox, Sony and Marvel Studios have given us countless movies featuring some of our favorite cartoon heroes and villains of all time. Seventeen incredible movies showcasing Marvel characters are among the top 100 gross box office winners of all time. Although the vast majority of Marvel films have been financially and critically successful, a few have unfortunately received incredibly negative reviews and have struggled to gain popularity with other Marvel films from their studio. Even the most dedicated fans have a hard time saying positive things about the Marvel Universe Cinematic Universe Thor: The Dark World, Fox The four fantastics or from Sony Spider-Man 3proving that even the very popular genre of superheroes can suffer from classic problems such as poor writing, inexpensive special effects, questionable cast and frustrating characters that make their movies a little less enjoyable.

The purpose of this list is not to criticize Marvel's favorite movie character, becausethe characters can not be as good as the writers telling them what to say and the actors who describe them. These individuals simply felt sometimes misplaced in their Marvel movies, which negatively affected the viewing experience, as they were of no use in general history or because they hardly resembled their characters cartoon.

That said, here are the 7 MCU characters, 7 Sony and 7 Fox Marvel characters wounding their movies.

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21 MCU: Dr. Erik Selvig

When Dr. Selvig was introduced to the Marvel film universe, he was a brilliant astrophysicist. Nick Fury hired Selvig as S.H.I.E.L.D. consultant in order to investigate the Tesseract and his scientific expertise made him a target of Loki, who controlled the mind of Selvig while he was trying to conquer the planet The Avengers.

After his experience as a Loki puppet, Dr. Selvig's personality has completely changed and his continued inclusion in the MCU has proved totally useless.

In Thor: The Dark World, he was visibly helpless and had been arrested at Stonehenge for harassing passersby with his lab equipment while claiming that he was trying to save them. His appearance in Avengers: the era of Ultron It was even stranger, and he watched as Thor watched the water so that the god of thunder could continue his vision of the Infinity's six stones, for reasons the viewer had never cleared up.

20 Sony: riot

Even though Rotten Tomato's critics gave Sony's 2018 Venom disappointing satisfaction rate below 40%, the reaction of fans was much more positive: 89% of viewers approved the treatment of the studio to the character of Spider-Man, a favorite of fans. Most viewers expected the main problem of the film to be the absence of Peter Parker because Spider-Man was an integral part of Venom's original history in the bands comic. Venom worked fine without the robot wall.

The biggest problem of the film actually came from its main antagonist, Riot. Several superhero movies show the hero facing a villain with powers and costumes incredibly similar to his own, but it was problematic that Riot and Venom were almost indistinguishable from each other during their scene. fight at the apogee of the film and that their entirely identical.

19 Fox: Galactus

Galactus is one of the most powerful and intimidating beings of all Marvel Comics. He has the ability to become as big as he wants, allowing him to eat entire planets when he desperately needs vital energy.

Making sure that a character as ordinary as this one looks realistic is not an easy task, but Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver has not even bothered you. try.

They simply described the Destroyer of Worlds as a gigantic storm cloud preparing to engulf the Earth. Fox The four fantastics The movies have received negative reviews from fans and critics, and their lazy treatment of an iconic villain of Marvel certainly has not helped. Fortunately, the Fantastic Four are finally back in the capable hands of Marvel Studio.

18 MCU: Odin

The former king of Asgard deserved the title of protector of the Nine Kingdoms because he was once considered the greatest warrior of all time, but Odin that we had the # 39; opportunity to see in the film world Marvel was not so impressive. We were told stories of Allfather fighting great beasts, invading foreign kingdoms, destroying monsters and demons, and devastating mighty kingdoms … but Odin slept most of the day. Thor and he did nothing to prevent Malekith from trying to plunge the universe into total darkness Thor: The World of Darkness despite vengeance on the leader of the Dark Elves to kill his wife's life. The so-called all-powerful Odin was then victimized by one of Loki's spells, allowing his adopted son to banish him to Earth, to pretend to be his and take his throne!

17 Sony: Shocker

Condominium of Sony and Marvel Studio on Spider-Man: Homecoming it's impossible to say which studio was behind the pointless inclusion of Shocker in the movie, but since Sony has a tendency to add big bad guys to their Spider-Man movies after the fact, they are blamed. Vulture needed some unnamed henchmen to help him carry out his plans and fight Spidey when he was leaving for more important things, but two of his followers donned Chitauri gauntlets that were projecting explosions. Concentrated vibratory air and called themselves "The shock".

Shocker is a well-known villain in Spider-Man's Rogue Gallery, so throwing him into the film as a lackey without character development has he added nothing to the story either. satisfied the fans as the studio hoped a nasty classic have.

16 Fox: Sabretooth

Once again, Fox took a classic X-Men character and deprived them of the ability to speak. X Men was one of the first box office successes of the superhero genre, but it was certainly not flawless. The movie had too many characters to follow. We met about a dozen members of Charles Xavier's mutant team, and then we had to watch them confront not only Magneto, but also Mystic, Crapaud and Sabretooth.

Victor Creed is Wolverine's most iconic enemy and both have a complex story in comics. X Men & # 39;The villain's version, however, had almost no lines and had no visible relationship with Logan. Countless other members of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants could have replaced Sabretooth as Magneto's third servant, as Victor deserved better than that minor role and his inclusion seemed to be a desperate attendance service.

15 MCU: Quicksilver

20th Century Fox turned Quicksilver into a favorite character for fans of X-Men: Days of Future Past, but the MCU had trouble making their version of Pietro Maximoff as friendly in Age of Ultron.

The version of the character of Aaron Taylor-Johnson told jokes here and there, but it was not as funny as that of Evan Peters on the mutant speedster.

He also did not steal scenes like his Fox counterpart. Then the MCU made the questionable decision to sacrifice his Quicksilver to save Clint Barton's life, putting an end to his time in the franchise before we actually had a chance to worry about him. Pietro's twin sister, Wanda, has become an important and valued member of the Avengers. It is a pity that Pietro was written off in such a random way. Marvel should have either kept him out of Age of Ultrona film that has already felt a little hasty and cluttered – or took the time to do justice to his character.

14 Sony: Peter Parker

The portrait of Peter Parker by Tobey Maguire in Spider Man and Spider-Man 2 was fantastic, as it gave the beloved character the clumsy, awkward feeling of "boy next door" that Parker had always had in Marvel's comics. When Peter is linked with the extraterrestrial symbiont in Spider-Man 3, However, he became the worst character in the movie. The extraterrestrial symbiont tends to give mood swings to the user, but the effect it has on Peter is just ridiculous. He combed his hair differently, put on all the black clothes in his closet, slapped awkwardly as he walked down the street and tried to flirt with every woman he met.

The audience was then treated to a lengthy dance sequence in which he tried to make Mary Jane jealous by seducing Gwen Stacy into a jazz club. It's no wonder so many Spider-Man fans cringe when thinking about it.

13 Fox: Mystic

The writing decisions regarding Jennifer Lawrence's mystic in the last X Men the films have certainly been debatable. Mystic has always been one of the most formidable enemies of X-Men in comics. Viewers were therefore shocked to see its original story radically altered in X-Men: First class. When Magneto offered him a chance to join him in his fight against humanity at the end of the film, it seemed momentarily that Fox's Mysticism was starting to look like the evil character that inspired it.

She kissed her dark side in Days of the future past when she planned to eliminate Bolivar Trask, but at the end of the film, Mystique had become a hero again. She teamed up again with the X-Men X-Men: Apocalypse, so it seems that Fox has chosen to ignore the accuracy of the comics to keep Lawrence at the forefront of their X-Men movies.

12 MCU: The Warriors Three

The three warriors appear in the three Thor Solo films, but only comic fans seem to be able to recall one of their names, as the Marvel Cinema Universe did not spend enough time developing their characters. In fact, Lady Sif left a more lasting impression than her peers even though she did not even appear in Thor: Ragnarok! Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogun were the Thunder God's most trusted friends on Asgard and some of the kingdom's best warriors, but Hela eliminated Fandral and Volstagg in just a few seconds and sweated as he sweated while fighting Hogun. It was hard to really mourn their passing because we knew so little about any of them.

11 Sony: New Goblin

Willem Dafoe did an incredible job in giving life to the green goblin in the first Spider Man film and his character Norman Osborn appeared in Spider-Man 2 through Harry's visions, viewers were naturally ready to switch to different bad guys in the last installment of the trilogy. Nobody wanted to see Harry jump on a glider designed to look like a skateboard and fight against his old best friend like New Goblin, because he felt way too much "spent here, did that." It was nice to see Harry and Peter teaming up at the end of the movie to defeat Sandman's sacrifice and Venom and Harry to save Spider-Man was moving, but the inclusion of New Goblin in Spider-Man 3 was simply useless. Two bad guys in a movie would have been enough.

ten Fox: Lady Deathstrike

In comic books, Yuriko Oyama is one of Wolverine's greatest opponents, as his adamantium claws, martial arts, and healing factor rival his own.

Lady Deathstrike manages to fight Logan well in X2, but his total absence of dialogue prevents him from being as memorable as his fights are still in the comics.

Reducing Deathstrike to the silent bodyguard controlled by the spirit of William Stryker seemed unnecessary, as she usually works as a mercenary and could easily have been hired by Stryker and allowed to speak freely. Yuriko would also have made a better villain in X-Men Origins: Wolverine or The wolverine, two films that had trouble finding a suitable opponent for Logan.

9 MCU: Whiplash

Mickey Rourke, an Oscar-nominated actor, has no problem admitting that his The Iron Man 2 The character Ivan Vanko has seriously hurt the sequel to the first successful movie of MCU.

"I wanted to bring in other layers and colors, not just to make this Russian a complete vengeful villain," Rourke told Crave Online in 2011. "Unfortunately, [people] at Marvel, I just wanted a one-dimensional villain, so most of the performance ended up on the floor. "

Critics and fans have tended to think that Whiplash lacked the character development of the naughty villains Marvel like Loki and Erik Killmonger, and was designed to be nothing more than a mad and eager bastard. birds with an accent too thick to be understood. Vanko's technological expertise makes him a tough opponent for Tony Stark, but he's just not written enough to worry about it.

8 Sony: Venom

Sony was clearly determined to make sure that its first Spider-Man trilogy revolved around the Osborn family, just as much as it focused on Peter Parker, so the inclusion of New Goblin in Spider-Man 3 was unfortunately a fatality. Between New Goblin and Sandman, the film already contained enough villains to occupy the friendly neighborhood robot, but Sony felt the need to throw a third opponent in the final minutes of the film.

Venom is one of the best known and most loved members of the Spider-Man & Rogue Gallery. The decision to devote so little time to developing his character was incredibly debatable.

The unusual portrayal of Eddie Brock by Topher Grace made the decision even more outrageous. Eddie is supposed to dominate Peter Parker, but Grace's slender, old-fashioned portrayal puts him closer to Peter, so his rivals seem to be two sides of the same coin.

7 Fox: Snape

Instead of focusing on Jubilee as their X-Men animation seriesFox chose to focus his original X-Men trilogy, based on real-life action scenes, on Rogue, a beloved character from the Marvel Comics. The cartoon version of Snape usually has a great sense of humor, an independent nature and a lot of wit. Anna Paquin's interpretation of Snape, however, was timid and delicate. Her happiness seemed entirely dependent on Logan and Bobby, and she jumped at the chance to take the "mutant cure" – something that her cartoon counterpart would never have done despite the dissatisfaction of Snape about her inability to touch the people she loves.

Viewers were excited to see the 2000s X Men give life to some of their favorite characters on the big screen for the first time, but Snape has been a constant disappointment.

6 MCU: Malekith

In Thor: The Dark World, Malekith attempted to use Ether, an ancient weapon secretly containing the reality stone, to plunge the Nine Kingdoms into eternal darkness. The Dark Elf leader was physically intimidating and incredibly powerful, but as viewers had little chance to learn anything about him, we did not have the opportunity to see him as the threat that the Marvel's cinematic universe had clearly wanted to make him. This did not help that Thor was able to take Malekith without the help of any of his Avenged companions, even though the villain possessed the cosmic power of a stone at the same time. infinite. Malkith, become a forgettable basic villain The dark world in a forgettable movie.

5 Sony: Gwen Stacy

Sony's original Spider-Man films made Mary Jane Watson the first and greatest love of Peter Parker. Although his relationship with Peter is the most iconic of the comics, the real Spidey fans know that Peter's first love was actually Gwen Stacy and that Gwen was the one with whom Green Goblin had bitten Spider-Man in their fatal confrontation on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Sony has tried to make fan-service in Spider-Man 3 including Gwen in the film, but the gifted biochemistry student we knew and loved from Spider-Man's first comics was reduced to a simple treat for the eyes and her only function seemed to create tension in the relationships of Peter with Mary Jane and Eddie Brock.

4 Fox: Emma Frost

X-Men: First class essentially allowed Fox to restart his X-Men franchise without canceling the events of their original trilogy. Focusing on the long-time villain of the X-Men, Sebastian Stan and his Hellfire Club, was an excellent decision on the part of 20th Century Fox, but comic fans were outraged by the interpretation of the movie of the favorite mutant Emma Frost. The White Queen is one of the most powerful telepaths in the world and her character is experiencing many significant developments over Marvel comics.

She started as a primary antagonist, but over time, Emma became a central member of Charles' team, the lover interest of Cyclops, a director and at one point she even controlled the power of Phoenix Force. In First class, However, Emma seemed to be nothing more than worthless and was easily defeated.

3 MCU: Baron von Strucker

Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, leader of HYDRA, ordered that his agents hide in S.H.I.E.L.D. stealing the scepter of Loki from the organization so that he could use it to create an army of reinforced HYDRA soldiers and his experiments led to the creation of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

The Maximoff twins seemed able to restrain the Avengers long enough for him to escape the attack from his base, but von Strucker still strangely surrendered himself to Captain America without resistance.

Shortly after, Ultron took it out just to send a message to the Avengers. The Marvel film universe has set von Strucker as an opponent of the Avengers as formidable as Red Skull's for Captain America, but it has finally been reduced to a relatively minor and insignificant role within the franchise.

2 Sony: Dr. Connors

Dr. Curt Connors was mentioned for the first time in Tobey Maguire's speech Spider Man trilogy in the first film, when Peter revealed that the professor was his lab supervisor and that Connors had fired him for his tardiness in his classes. In Spider-Man 2, We saw Connors lecturing at Columbia University and the fans were delighted to find that he was missing an arm. In comics, he experimented with reptile DNA to try to make his limb grow and accidentally became The Lizard.

This nasty Spider-Man at a reduced size would have been the main antagonist of the last installment of the trilogy, but Sony chose to join Sandman, making the role of Dr. Connors in the series a pure Easter egg for fans without real profit.

1 Fox: Deadpool Origins

Ryan Reynolds did a great job in bringing Deadpool to life in the movie Merc with two solo films from Mouth, but no matter how hard we strive, the audience will never forget his first appearance as Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Deadpool has become one of the most popular cartoon characters of all time thanks to his incredible sense of humor and his ability to break the fourth wall, but Fox made the bizarre decision to stick Wade's mouth Origins.

The studio then endowed Deadpool with a variety of powers he never acquired in comics, such as Cyclops' breath and the ability to teleport. thank God dead Pool and Deadpool 2 Retired this first appearance out of existence.

Which one did you really appreciate? Let us know in the comments!

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