Soon-Yi Previn breaks the silence on Woody Allen's sexual assault allegations


"But what happened to Woody is so overwhelming, so unfair. [Mia] took advantage of the #MeToo movement and introduced Dylan as a victim. And a whole new generation hears about it when it should not. "

Soon-Yi Previn, the wife of filmmaker Woody Allen, has looked into the controversy surrounding her husband and adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow and her ex-partner Mia Farrow in an article published online Sunday on Vulture.

"I've never been interested in writing a story. Dear Mum, revenge on Mia – none of that, "said Previn in the story. But what happened to Woody is so shocking, so unfair. [Mia] took advantage of the #MeToo movement and introduced Dylan as a victim. And a whole new generation hears about it when it should not. "

Dylan told Vulture in a statement that any involvement she was being manipulated by Mom Mia was "offensive".

"It just revictimizes me," said Dylan. "Thanks to my mother, I grew up in a beautiful house."

The history of the vulture was written by Daphne Merkin, who notes in the article that she's been friends with Allen for over 40 years.

Dylan's brother, Ronan, one of his strongest supporters, made the following statement in response to this story: "I owe everything I'm to Mia Farrow." She's a devoted mom. who has lived hell for his family, but this has never prevented Woody Allen and his allies from planting stories that attack and denigrate my mother from hijacking my sister's credible allegation of abuse. New York Magazine would participate in this kind of work, written by a longtime admirer and friend of Woody Allen. As a journalist, I am shocked by the lack of care of the facts, the refusal to include eyewitness accounts that would contradict the lies of this play and the lack of a complete response from my sister. Survivors of abuse deserve better. "

In an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times In December, Dylan accused Allen of having sexually assaulted her as a child. Allen denied these allegations and a 1993 investigation found that he had not sexually assaulted her.

In May, Allen's adopted son, Moses, defended Allen against Dylan's allegations and claimed that their mother, Mia, was physically and emotionally violent. Previn also claimed that Mia was abusive.

Dylan's brother, Ronan, came to the defense of his mother Mia on social media by writing, "No need to say much to honor the repeated campaign to discredit my sister, often by attacking our mother. He will offer: My mother has done an extraordinary job in raising us and none of my brothers and sisters with whom I have spoken have ever seen anything but love and care. a single mother who has gone through hell to protect her children.

Allen and many family supporters claim that Mia manipulated Dylan to make false allegations of sexual assault.

Allen's sister, Letty Aronson, told Vulture that Mia had told her at the time that she had discovered that Allen and Previn had an affair: "It was took my daughter, I will take hers. " I said, "Do not be ridiculous. [Dylan] love Woody. A child should have a father. She said, "I'm mocking."

After the story of Vulture was published Sunday night, Dylan tweeted a long statement in response:

Previn, who was adopted by Farrow and her husband André Previn in 1978, began a romantic relationship with Allen in 1991. At that time, Allen still had a long-term relationship with Farrow. Previn and Allen married later in 1997.

"I'm an outcast," Allen told Vulture. "People think that I was Soon-Yi's father, that I raped and married my minor daughter and delayed." He added that the couple's contribution to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign had been made.

Previn has deepened his relationship with Allen and his story with the story of Mia in the Vulture.

Previn says that she and Mia were "like oil and water" from the beginning. "Mia was not kind to me from the start," she said.

She claimed that Mia Previn's first bathing attempt did not go well.

"I had never bathed by myself, because at the orphanage, it was a big tub and we all participated," said Previn. "Here it was for an unmarried person, and I was afraid to put myself on the water alone, so instead of doing what you would do with an infant – you know, put yourself in the water, put toys on, put your arm to show that you're fine, it's not dangerous – she just threw me in. "

She also claimed that there was a "hierarchy" among Mia's children: "She did not try to hide it, and Fletcher was the star, the child of gold Mia still enjoyed intelligence and also blonde hair and blue eyes. "

Previn claimed that Mia had tried to teach him the alphabet and was eager to throw blocks of wood "on me or on the floor." Who can learn under this pressure?

Previn also claimed that Mia would write her words to help her learn them or "lean me upside down, holding me by the feet to run the blood in my head." Because she thought – or she was reading it, God knows where she came from with the notion – that the blood going to my head would make me smarter or something. "

Previn also alleged that Mia would slap her face, hit her with a hairbrush, throw objects at her and call her "stupid" and "stupid". She also stated that she and her adoptive sisters had been treated as "servants", doing grocery shopping, cleaning, ironing and other household chores.

When asked if she had any positive memories of her life with Mia, Previn said, "It seems hard to imagine, but I really can not find one."

Previn also explains in detail how she started her relationship with Allen, noting that they were both consenting adults (she was 21 years old).

She said that she had never thought of Allen as a father figure – Andre had played that role, thinking that he was a "big loser" because of the fact that Mia was proposing marriage a few weeks after starting to hang out and two weeks later. told him that she wanted to have a child with him.

The two first interacted in a friendly manner when she broke her ankle in grade 11 and he helped take care of her. But it is only during his first year at the university that they started their adventure.

"We talked a lot," she said, "and to the best of my memory, I came back from school for a vacation and he showed me a Bergman film, which I think was The seventh seal, but I am not positive. We talked about it and I had to be awesome because he kissed me and I think it started. We were like two magnets, very attracted one by the other. "

She added, "I'm not the one who went to get Woody – where could I get the nerve?" He continued, "That's why the relationship worked: I felt valued he made a big jump. "

Mia finally learned their business when she found nude photos of Previn.

"I remember the phone call when she found the pictures," Previn said. "I took the phone and Mia said," Soon-Yi. "That's all she needed to say, with that scary voice tone." I knew my life was over and she knew it, just the way she said my When she came home, she asked me – denied it, and then she said, "I have pictures, so I knew I was caught. Of course, she slapped me, you know how to do it.And then she called everyone.He did not master the situation, she just spread it as a trail of powder, he came during this time, Dylan and Satchel [Ronan] live under his roof and they are very small, aged 6 and 4 years old. They hear their mother go crazy, screaming in the middle of the night for hours. "

Previn and Allen claimed that Mia claimed that Previn was threatening to commit suicide, which Previn said was a lie.

Meanwhile, Dylan Sunday night tweeted a statement on behalf of her and several of her siblings defending and standing behind Mia:

Mia is not quoted in history and Andrew declined to comment.

The scandal of sexual assault in Allen has intensified after The Hollywood Reporter published a cover on Allen in May 2016 and gained momentum in the #MeToo movement at the end of last year. After THR published his cover story, Dylan's brother, Ronan Farrow, wrote about the scandal for THR and the lack of media attention on this subject.

Ronan continued to publish lectures on Harvey Weinstein and Leslie Moonves, alleging stories of sexual harassment and aggression, leading to the ousting of both leaders.

From the history of the vulture, a New York Magazine spokesperson said THR earlier on Sunday: "Soon-Yi Previn is telling his story for the first time, and we hope people will hold back their judgment until they have read the feature film." We contacted Mia and Dylan Farrow to share their comments through his representative.The story is transparent about being told from the point of view of Soon-Yi. "

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