Sotomayor at the Supreme Court: "We must go beyond partisanship"


PRINCETON, N.J. – Judges Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor of the United Kingdom Supreme Court have expressed concern over the impact of the fierce partisan battle over the appointment of Brett M. Kavanaugh for the reputation of the High Court.

"Part of the strength and legitimacy of the court lies in the fact that people do not see it the same way as the other governing structures of this country," Kagan told the audience at the University of New York. Princeton. people do not think that the court is not divided politically in the same way, nor as an extension of politics, but rather above the fray, even if it is not always and in all cases . "

Even though the court is dividing 5 to 4 on the country's most important issues, said Sotomayor, it is important for the public to see that this does not create animosity among the nine judges.

"We have to go beyond partisanship in our personal relationships," she said. "We must treat each other with respect and dignity and with a sense of amicability that the rest of the world does not share often."

Sotomayor was appointed to court in 2009 by President Barack Obama, who appointed Kagan the following year.

As Kavanaugh is about to replace the retiring Judge Anthony M. Kennedy, the court will now have five consistent Conservatives, all appointed by Republican Presidents, and four coherent Liberals appointed by the Democratic Presidents. Kagan wondered if anyone would play the role that the court played in the past.

"I think it's an extremely important thing for the court that in the last 30 years, in fact, with justice [Sandra Day] O'Connor and relying on Judge Kennedy, a person discovered [to represent] the center, which people could not predict in this way, "said Kagan." And this allowed the court to give the impression that it did not belong to one party or another, but was in is impartial, neutral and fair "

Kagan added, "I do not think, for years to come, this type of median position – we do not know if we will have it."

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