South Carolina family asks hunters not to kill deer


A family in South Carolina who has adopted a deer is asking local hunters not to kill him, according to a Facebook post.

The family stated that it allowed "George" to move freely around their property in Chester County and beyond. But as the region was getting closer to the hunting season, they felt compelled to alert local hunters, the state reported.

"Local hunters … please, do not shoot the seven-pointed deer with the yellow ribbon around its woods," reads the message. "If you see it, it's George!" Reads an article from Kena Lucas Funderburk. "Plus, if you see George, send us a message and let us know where! Very interested to see where he goes this season "

The message is complete with "#dontshootGeorge".

The family said they adopted the deer after his mother was hit by a car, the state reported. They said that the animal had woven links with their children and their dog as he grew older. In adulthood, the family allows the deer to roam freely, even beyond their property. They said the deer would leave for periods of three to six months, but that they would always return home.

Kena said the local hunters reacted positively to the family's message, most of them saying, "You'll get a pass from us."

She said that a hunter had spotted the deer Monday fifteen miles from their home, because of the yellow ribbon on his antlers.

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