South Carolina jury convicts Tammy Moorer of kidnapping of 20-year-old Heather Elvis


In a South Carolina court on Tuesday, a jury found Tammy Moorer guilty of kidnapping Heather Elvis, 20, who had disappeared from Myrtle Beach early in the morning of December 18, 2013.

Heather Elvis

After an eleven-day trial, Moorer had little initial reaction, the verdict having been read Tuesday afternoon after less than a day of jury deliberations. Moorer maintained his innocence in a statement at the time of sentencing.

Heather's father, mother and sister testified before the court about victim impact statements before the judge sentenced Moorer to 30 years in prison on each count: kidnapping and abduction plot. The sentences will be executed simultaneously.

As Dateline has already pointed out, the Horry County Attorney's Office claimed that Tammy Moorer became furious after hearing that her husband, Sidney, had had an affair with Elvis, much younger, and could have put her on pregnant. He maintained that the Moorers conspired to lure Heather to a dark, dark pier where they kidnapped her.

The state claimed that the phone records showed that Elvis's mobile phone was last used near the boat's landing on December 18, 2013 at around 3:40 am. The police found that his car had been abandoned. later in the morning.

The state first charged the Moorers in 2014 with kidnapping and murder. The murder charges were later dropped. Two years later, Sidney Moorer was on trial for kidnapping, but the jury was in stalemate. At a separate trial in 2017, Moorer was found guilty of obstructing justice. He is currently serving a 10-year sentence. The abduction remains open. Sidney Moorer denies taking part in Heather's kidnapping.

Heather Elvis's body has never been found.

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