South Carolina lawmaker jokes about sexual assault as part of Kavanaugh's allegations


Ralph Norman

"Ruth Bader Ginsburg is out of Abraham Lincoln," said representative Ralph Norman (RS.C.) Thursday, mocking Christine Blasey Ford's sexual assault allegation against the candidate's Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh. | Photo AP / Chuck Burton, folder

Representative Ralph Norman (RS.C.) mocked Thursday the allegation of sexual assault of a California woman against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, jokingly that the latest update brought new allegations against Abraham Lincoln.

"Have you heard the latest news from Kavanaugh's auditions?" Norman joked that it was the reason he was late for the candidates' debate. "Ruth Bader Ginsburg came out that she was groped by Abraham Lincoln."

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The comments of the South Carolina legislator were made during opening remarks during the debate at Rock Hill, S.C.

Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of having sexually assaulted her while they were both in high school. Ford said that Kavanaugh had drugged her and licked her on a bed while a friend was watching during a party in the 1980s. Kavanaugh denied the allegations.

Norman's comment comes as Republicans intend to continue to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford and Kavanaugh were both called to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday. Ford's lawyer said Thursday that she was "ready to testify next week", but does not believe that a Monday hearing is possible.

Norman is running for reelection in the 5th district of South Carolina against Democrat Archie Parnell, who is facing his own controversy. Parnell refused to withdraw from the race after admitting earlier this year that in the 1970s, he had physically abused his ex-wife.

The neighborhood had been targeted by Democrats who thought they could overthrow the siege.

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