Soy formula may increase the risk of menstrual pain


A recent study found that feeding women with soy-based infant formula when it was baby increases the risk of menstrual pain. The study was published in Human Reproduction. According to the sources, the researchers found that women who had previously consumed soy-based formula had an additional 40% chance of using hormonal contraception at some point to relieve menstrual pain, compared with women's Having not been fed soy formula; between 18 and 22 years old, they were 50% more likely to have experienced moderate or severe menstrual pain or discomfort with most of their periods.

Dr. Kristen Upson is reported to have said, "Menstrual pain is the most common menstrual complaint and can significantly affect women's quality of life. Exposure to estrogen during infant development, such as phytoestrogens in soy-based formulas, can affect reproductive health in adulthood.

"Previous research on young adults involved in feeding studies in infants has revealed an increased risk of increased severity of menstrual pain in adulthood with a soy-based formula. Evidence from subsequent animal studies confirms the disruptive effects of phytoestrogen, a generic soybean formula, on the development of the reproductive system that persists until adulthood. "

"Based on these findings, we were interested in further evaluating the relationship between infant formula milk feeding and menstrual pain in a cohort of young women. We decided to study this question in a group of African-American women because most of the participants were white in the previous study. The consistency of our findings with those of the previous study suggests that our findings could apply to women in general, "said Upson.

Dr. Donna Baird, co-author, reportedly stated, "Many studies on menstrual pain exclude women on hormonal contraception, but this may exclude those who are most disturbed by menstrual pain since they could use this medication to relieve pain. Our questions about women's past experience with menstrual pain allowed us to include all women in the study. "

As the study is observational, it is not able to show that the soy-based formula causes menstrual pain in adulthood, but that it is related to it. Dr. Baird said, "Although a growing number of research studies collectively support the potential consequences of early exposure to soy milk on reproductive health, it is necessary to continue research before able to provide recommendations to parents and caregivers of young children.

Posted: 9th November 2018 21:23

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