SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft for humans tested by NASA


NASA is currently testing the SpaceX SpaceX Crew Dragon, the spacecraft that will someday transport humans in space. The space agency is currently testing the capsule at its Plum Brook station in Sandusky, Ohio, evaluating it in anticipation of an unmanned mission scheduled for later this summer. Included with the information is a large image showing the complete capsule.

SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule is being tested in NASA's space propulsion facility, the only one in the world capable of performing life-size tests of launch vehicles and high-powered rocket engines. altitude.

During this test, the capsule is placed in a chamber that will vacuum it out of space, as well as at extreme temperatures, to see how it handles the conditions. The space agency showed an image of the capsule in what appears to be a descent into the test chamber. NASA does not have much to say about the test.

This assessment takes place prior to the flight test of SpaceX Demonstration Mission 1, which will be conducted as part of NASA's commercial crew capacity contract. This flight test will not include the crew, but it is expected that the Dragon's capsule of the crew will one day transport humans into space .

After NASA finishes at Sandusky, the Crew Dragon will be flown to Kennedy Space Center in Florida in preparation for the first flight. The spacecraft was tested at the Kennedy Space Center where it was submitted to the anechoic chamber of the agency.


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