SpaceX plans a single rocket launch and a return to the central coast


SpaceX has managed to bring rockets back to Earth after launching space from Florida, but a planned launch on Sunday from Vandenberg Air Base could be the first time the US aerospace company has made a successful comeback on the West Coast. .

A Falcon9 rocket was launched last month in Cape Canaveral, Florida, sending the Telstar 18 Vantage satellite into space.

Instead of dropping the booster into the ocean, as in most rocket launches, the Falcon 9's first floor landed in one piece on a platform.

"SpaceX has been working on the reusable rocket system for quite some time, reducing the costs associated with penetrating the space by taking the rocket after launching it and safely landing it on Earth without destroying it. "Said Cal Poly Aerospace Engineering Assistant. Professor Amelia Grieg.

Grieg called this new technology a modern-day wonder.

"From a technical point of view, it's incredibly difficult," said Grieg. "The rockets are long and thin, like a nail, it's like putting a nail on the ground to keep it from falling."

Grieg, who plans to watch the launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in person, said she had never attended the return but knew the concept well.

"They use the same engine to land as to take off," said Grieg. "So when they do the standard takeoff, nine engines come on. Once the second stage and the payload deployed in orbit, they bring back the first stage of the rocket, so in half, essentially. They use some of these engines, light them up and burn a little less, so the rocket will come down instead of climbing, but they can slow it down and use it to control the landing. . "

Shortly after its launch, the Falcon9 will return to Earth, where it will be refurbished and used again.

SpaceX has warned of the launch since Vandenberg that the return of the Falcon9 could cause a number of sonic booms.

So, even if you do not see this historic takeoff, which must take place at 7 pm. On Sunday, you will probably hear the thunderous return of the rocket.

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