SpaceX Starlink broadband system on hold? |


September 26, 2018

Elon Musk has more than a few challenges on his plate. He has problems with the powerful Securities & Exchange Commission about the comments he made about his Tesla electric car. He is also busy developing the huge "Big Falcon Rocket" (BFR) to bring at least one paying passenger around the moon and finally bring settlers to Mars. There are its 'Boring Company' and 'Hyperloop', projects that would tax even the most courageous billionaires.

His "day job" could still be his successful SpaceX rocket business, winning NASA contracts and the loyalty of satellite operators. But according to a report from TMF Associates' respected telecommunications and satellite experts, one of the most discrete areas is the Starlink mega-constellation of satellites designed to provide affordable broadband access to the global marketplace. In 2016, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Musk team had revenues of $ 30 billion in 2025 and 40 million Starlink subscribers.

The TMF report clearly states that the project was for all intents and purposes put on hold. "We already knew there was a significant reduction in hiring in early July, but it was said that the cuts had been much larger, with a significant fraction of the Starlink team.

TMF says the forecast was "ridiculous" and Starlink funding was transferred to the "WCR" project. TMF says, "Without Starlink to support the [overall] business plan, SpaceX will face significant challenges in maintaining its $ 27 billion valuation, as it is expected with an expected reduction of 28 to 18 launches next year, which will likely lead to a decline in overall revenues. 2019. »

TMF adds, "It's only natural that SpaceX is looking for a replacement market that could generate billions of dollars in profitable revenue, and the company now seems to have turned to space tourism, as Gwynne Shotwell announced. last week. He suggested that "it will probably be the majority of our business in the future, transporting people" with "7 billion potential payloads".

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