SpaceX will launch its 15th refueling mission at the ISS on June 29


SpaceX will launch its 15th refueling mission at the ISS on June 29

Photo Credit: NASA / Tony Gray, Tim Powers, Tim Terry

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying SpaceX Dragon spacecraft

SpaceX, NASA's commercial freight supplier, is expected to launch its 15th International Space Station (ISS) replenishment mission on June 29, the US Space Agency said.

The SpaceX Dragon spacecraft, with more than 5,900 pounds of search, crew and equipment, will be launched on a Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Station in Florida.

Dragon will reach its preliminary orbit approximately 10 minutes after launch, then deploy its solar panels and begin a carefully orchestrated series of thrusters to reach the space station.

It should arrive at ISS on July 2, according to the report.

The Dragon will deliver supplies, equipment for scientific investigations, including: a study on cell biology in microgravity; ECOsystem Space Thermal Radiometer Experience on the Space Station (ECOSTRESS) – an earth science instrument that studies plants and water availability; and a physical science study of soil and sediment to enable research at the US National Laboratory.

NASA astronaut Ricky Arnold, backed by NASA astronaut Drew Feustel, will oversee the operation of Canadarm2's robotic arm for Dragon capture while NASA's astronaut Serena Aunon-Chancellor will monitor space systems.

After the capture of Dragon, the ground controls will be sent by Mission Control to Houston so that the station arm can rotate and install at the bottom of the station's Harmony module, the report notes.

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