First, scientists discovered the oldest known color, and now they have discovered a whole new form.

We have circles, squares, triangles and all & # 39; gons – but, the Spanish scientists say that we lack one: the scutoid.

Researchers at the University of Seville found these "twisted prisms" in nature, specifically in the cells that make up the skin and lining many organs. Scolioids are the true form of epithelial cells that protect organisms against infections and absorb nutrients, they say.

These "blocks" were previously represented as a prism, but research published in the Nature Communications peer-reviewed journal suggests a specific curve and is unlike any other known form. The researchers observed the structure in fruit flies and zebrafish.

The scutoid is six-sided at the top, five-sided on the bottom with a triangular side. Why is it so complex to define that epithelial cells have to move and unite to organize and give their final form to organs, "said Luisma Escudero, professor at the Faculty of Biology University of Seville.

The researchers named the form after a similar design in the chest of some beetles.

Next, the researchers plan to examine the molecules that cause the form.

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