Spa's "facial vampire" may have exposed clients to HIV


ALBUQUERQUE, NM – Health officials recommend that clients who have received a "vampire facial" or other type of injection-related service at an Albuquerque spa be tested for HIV and other infections transmissible by blood.

The New Mexico Department of Health announced Tuesday that a VIP Spa client had developed an infection that could result from a spa procedure.

Now the department is urging clients to visit the Midtown Public Health Office this week for lab tests and advice on HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

"It is very important that anyone who has received a facelift or other vampire injection service at the VIP Spa in May or June 2018 goes to the Midtown Public Health Office for free lab tests and advice. and confidential, "Lynn Gallagher, cabinet secretary for the New Mexico Department of Health, said in the announcement.

An inspection of the spa Friday revealed that it was practiced to "spread to customers blood-borne infections such as HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C," the announcement said.

Subsequently, the spa received a stop and desist letter and immediately closed, said the department.

A spa representative declined to comment and CNN attempted to contact a lawyer for the spa on Thursday.

When done safely and properly, a vampire face – also known as a plasma-rich facial protein – should not expose customers to such blood-borne infections, according to experts.

"This should never have happened," said Dr. Kenneth Mark, a certified cosmetic dermatologist in New York and clinical assistant professor at NYU Langone Health, who was not involved in the case of New Mexico. "As long as proper protocols are followed and there is no equipment sharing for patients, this should not be a problem."

How does a "vampire face" work?

A vampire's face is to draw the blood of a person, hence his name.

"The blood is then centrifuged, that is, it is processed in a centrifuge where it runs very fast," said Dr. Ehsan Ali, a licensed physician in internal medicine called Beverley Hills Concierge Doctor.

Then, "the plasma is then extracted. Plasma is what has all the nutrients, growth factors, and proteins that help stimulate new skin, new collagen, and that's basically what gets all the benefit, "he said.

The plasma is then deposited on the face and reinjected into the skin with the help of a tool called micro-needling, which creates tiny bites in the skin with tiny miniature needles.

Ali, who was not involved in the New Mexico case, said that if the needle-punched pen or other equipment was not properly removed or sterilized between facials, this could expose patients to infections transmitted by blood. New Mexico. This could happen if micro-needling tips or syringes were reused or if another patient's blood was used for the facial treatment, for example.

S 'interested in a vampire face, Ali advised patients to see practitioners open new syringes to draw blood and change the micro-needling pen before performing the procedure.

"Make sure you see everything in front of you," he said. "Make sure the place uses new equipment, changing tips and needles."

Dr. Michael Dobryansky, a plastic surgeon from the Long Island Plastic Surgery Group trained in the cosmetic vampire method, said there are specific trainings that providers must follow to obtain a license in a complex procedure like the vampire facial.

"Thus, for patients investigating the locations of such procedures, they must ensure that the premises are certified by vampires, because there is specific training and maintenance specific certification required by this organization. in order to both perform the procedures and continually offer them to patients, "said Dobryansky, who was not involved in the New Mexico case. "If you, as a consumer, look for this, you may end up in a reputable place."

Dobryansky also said that patients should also make sure that all the facilities they visit comply with universal safety measures, such as hand washing and wearing gloves, wearing proper masks, Appropriate disposal of waste, including blood waste.

"So all these things have to be in place," he said.

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