Spear Points discovered in Texas are the oldest weapons discovered in North America


One of the 15,000 year old spearheads discovered in Texas.

One of the 15,000 year old spearheads discovered in Texas.

Texas researchers have discovered what they thought were spearheads used by human hunters 15,500 years ago, making them the oldest weapons ever discovered in North America.

The newly discovered spear points predate the first known weapons made by the The Clovis, who, in the opinion of archaeologists, were the first humans to settle in America about 13,000 years ago.

The Texas A & M research team, Baylor University and the University of Texas discovered the discovery at an archaeological site about 40 km northwest of Austin, the Debra L. Friedkin site. , from the name of the family owning the land. Excavations on the site have been going on for more than ten years.

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The researchers found many spearheads made of chert, a type of rock, as well as other tools, buried in layers of sediment whose dating revealed that they dated at least 15,500 years old. Unlike spear-shaped stone weapons, known as "Clovis spikes", which were discovered in Texas, as well as in other parts of the United States and northern Mexico, and date back to the beginning. 12 700 to 13 000 years ago, these old "western stem" spears are smaller, without the distinctive Clovis grooves.

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