Species of foreign ticks found in NY


WESTCHESTER, NY (WIVB-TV) – A new tick species has been found in New York.

Long horned ticks, which are not native to the United States, have recently been found in several locations in Westchester County.

Although they have been seen recently in states such as New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina, long-horned ticks are widespread in Australia, New Zealand, and East Asia.

This type of tick has already transmitted the disease to humans, but it is not known if this can happen in the United States

In any case, the Department of Health of the State of New York encourages people to protect themselves. "Taking steps to protect yourself and your children from ticks is the best way to prevent tick bites and tick-borne diseases," said Public Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker. and research on this new type of tick, but it is encouraging that the same measures that protect against deer ticks are also effective against longhorn ticks. "

Symptoms of a tick-borne disease in cattle include fever, dehydration

Here are some ways to help prevent ticks outside, courtesy of the Ministry of Health:

  • Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts to protect against ticks and other stinging insects
  • often tick on the outside and brush all ticks before attaching them. [19659011] Perform a complete body check several times during the day, as well as at the end of the day to ensure that no ticks are attached.
  • DEET repellents, picaridine or IR3535, following the instructions of the label.

Farmers who suspect longhorn ticks near them can call the Department of Agriculture and Animal Industry Markets at (518) 457-3502 or by email [email protected]

Information on Lyme disease can be found here.

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