Spider-Man Far From Home put the video of Mysterio WATCH by Jake Gyllenhaal | Films | Entertainment


In recent months, Tom Holland and Spider-Man co-stars Far From Home from Marvel have been glimpsed, but we have not yet seen Gyllenhaal's villain.

However, the sequel of Avengers 4 is currently shooting in Europe, the last scenes having been captured in Liberec, Czech Republic.

Posted on Twitter by Martin Knap, a filming video is titled: "Last scenes of Spider-Man: Away from home in Liberec, the end of the shoot is over."

The images show cars arriving in a downtown area filled with flaming debris. The Gyllenhall Mysterio can be seen squatting on the ground.

Mysterio faces Peter Parker, of Holland, wearing his new Spider-Man black suit.

Gyllenhaal's villain is a master hypnotist, known for his large cape helmet and fishbowl.

In this sequence, the actor certainly wears a great cloak and body armor, but his iconic headwear is nowhere to be found.

It may be considered too lame for MCU films, or perhaps it may be worn in other scenes, or maybe the headset is added later in digital form, like Thor's in Infinity War Avengers.

Could Tony Stark sacrifice himself to bring back the boy he has been following since Captain America Civil War?

It is certainly a common trope in the epic sagas that the mentor dies and would suit Tony's story so well.

Since 2008, Iron Man, Tony has gone from a selfish playboy to a responsible and sacrificial father figure. What better way for him to retire than by dying for those whom he loves?

Spider-Man's Far From Home will be out in July 2019.

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