'Spider-Man' Is The Anti-Arkham And Might Be Even Better

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I finally pried myself away from Destiny 2Forsaken expansion to a solid day into Spiderman, and after about ten hours or so, yes, I understand what all is about.

For a good long while now, Rocksteady's Arkham It could not be more difficult for you to have thrilled the game. And yet, Insomniac's Spiderman may have done just that, I do not think there has been a single second of this game.

Spiderman is the polar opposite of Arkham in many ways. Spidey is chipper, funny (Spider-Cop!) And friendly, shaking hands with people on the street, if you ever get your feet touch the ground, compared to Batman's glowering and growling.

ArkhamBatman often felt like a tank, smashing and crashing his way through enemies. Spider-Man takes "fluid" to an entirely new level. You could write an entire game developing the world of web-swinging and wall-running which might be the best open-world traversal system Any game. And I'm also enjoying combat more than Arkham'S at this point, Spidey flips and dives all around a zone easily swapping between web gadgets and suit powers, executing stylish combos every few moves. Controlling Spider-Man in both traversal and combat is one of the most engaging aspects of a video game I can remember in a very long time. It's like when you first shot a gun in Halo or first knocked out someone off a platform Smash Bros. It just clicks.


I say all this not to disappear Arkham. It's still a great series, and Spiderman owes lot to………….. But it is interesting to me that these two games can be so different in so many ways Spiderman perhaps having a slight edge when all is said and done.

It makes me wonder why it's taken so long to make more superhero games. Clearly, when done well, the concept can turn out fabulously. So why in the last decade have we gotten Batman and Spidey, and that's it? DC and Marvel should be courting top developers with all their best properties. Where's our Wonder Woman game? Where's our Black Panther game? Not that they have to be film tie-ins, as evidenced by Arkham and Spidey, it's actually good when they're not, but clearly they're all over the world. these kinds of games out there.

I can not wait to play more Spiderman, and it seems pretty clear Arkham-like trilogy itself in the wake of its success. It's another win for the superhero genre and also for Sony exclusive, as if they needed any more at that point. If you're on the fence, I can not recommend it enough.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new sci-fi novel HEROKILLER, which combines my love of fighting games and action movies. I also wrote The Earthborn Trilogy.


I finally pried myself away from Destiny 2Forsaken expansion to a solid day into Spiderman, and after about ten hours or so, yes, I understand what all is about.

For a good long while now, Rocksteady's Arkham It could not be more difficult for you to have thrilled the game. And yet, Insomniac's Spiderman may have done just that, I do not think there has been a single second of this game.

Spiderman is the polar opposite of Arkham in many ways. Spidey is chipper, funny (Spider-Cop!) And friendly, shaking hands with people on the street, if you ever get your feet touch the ground, compared to Batman's glowering and growling.

ArkhamBatman often felt like a tank, smashing and crashing his way through enemies. Spider-Man takes "fluid" to an entirely new level. You could write an entire game developing the world of web-swinging and wall-running which might be the best open-world traversal system Any game. And I'm also enjoying combat more than Arkham'S at this point, Spidey flips and dives all around a zone easily swapping between web gadgets and suit powers, executing stylish combos every few moves. Controlling Spider-Man in both traversal and combat is one of the most engaging aspects of a video game I can remember in a very long time. It's like when you first shot a gun in Halo or first knocked out someone off a platform Smash Bros. It just clicks.

I say all this not to disappear Arkham. It's still a great series, and Spiderman owes lot to………….. But it is interesting to me that these two games can be so different in so many ways Spiderman perhaps having a slight edge when all is said and done.

It makes me wonder why it's taken so long to make more superhero games. Clearly, when done well, the concept can turn out fabulously. So why in the last decade have we gotten Batman and Spidey, and that's it? DC and Marvel should be courting top developers with all their best properties. Where's our Wonder Woman game? Where's our Black Panther game? Not that they have to be film tie-ins, as evidenced by Arkham and Spidey, it's actually good when they're not, but clearly they're all over the world. these kinds of games out there.

I can not wait to play more Spiderman, and it seems pretty clear Arkham-like trilogy itself in the wake of its success. It's another win for the superhero genre and also for Sony exclusive, as if they needed any more at that point. If you're on the fence, I can not recommend it enough.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new sci-fi novel HEROKILLER, which combines my love of fighting games and action movies. I also wrote The Earthborn Trilogy.

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