Spiders cover a 1000 foot stretch of land in a Greek city with spider webs


An image of the vegetation covered with spider web. The inhabitants of Aitoliko, Greece, woke up to spider webs covering vegetation just beside a lagoon. Experts said the scene was created by a type of spider that feeds on the mosquito population in the area. ( Giannis Giannakopoulos | Youtube )

As a scene from a horror film, the city of Aitoliko, in the west of Greece, was covered with spiderwebs 1,000 meters long.

On Monday, September 17, residents reported that the area near the lagoon had become home to a species of spider called Tetragnatha, known to create large nests for mating. The spider webs appeared on the east side of the lagoon, just below the bridge and covering vegetation.

A seasonal event

However, Daily Hellas revealed that the rather strange scene is an annual show for the inhabitants of Aitoliko. The milder weather around the region has created ideal conditions for spiders to emerge and build giant spider webs on the local flora.

Residents also reported an increase in the mosquito population during this time of year, which may have contributed to spider activity.

"It's as if the spiders were taking advantage of these conditions and organizing a kind of party," said Maria Chatzaki, expert in molecular biology and genetics. "They mate, they breed and provide a whole new generation."

She assured that neither spiders nor spider webs pose a threat to the local community. Although covering the vegetation along the banks of the lagoon, spider webs will not damage trees and plants.

Professor Chatzaki also said that the phenomenon would not last long. Spiders "will party" and will die soon.

Cobweb Town

Tetragnatha spiders are not unique to Aitoliko, Greece. These types of spiders are found in many parts of the world, including the United States.

In 2007, a city in Dallas, Texas found spider webs along the length of a football field in a park, drawing thousands of visitors from across the country. Last year, a forest in Jerusalem was covered with cobweb-like spider webs along the riverbanks.

This phenomenon occurs when the weather is warmer and the food and moisture are plentiful – the ideal conditions for eating and mating.

The spiders themselves are characterized by elongated bodies. They are sometimes called stretchy spiders because of their "stretched" appearance. These creatures are known to live around aquatic habitats, such as Aitoliko Lagoon, and sometimes even on the water.

Humans have nothing to fear. They are not a threat because they are not toxic and are actually useful to local communities because they eat mosquitoes. Giant spider webs usually appear when there is also an abundance of mosquitoes around the area to trap.

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