Spirit Airlines: Meltdown passengers leave passengers shaken


A woman was escorted aboard a Spirit Airlines plane from Houston after having engaged in a blasphemous public collapse aboard the flight to Minneapolis.

An hour after the 8 hour trip, the plane headed for Rochester, Minnesota, after a separate passenger needed medical assistance. While the attendants waited for the arrival of the paramedics, a woman, who has not yet been identified, indignantly more and more indignant.

Images of eyewitnesses captured by another passenger, Chianti Washington, and published by ABC 13, show the woman anxiously jostling in seemingly captivated alleys in an erratic episode.

"Do you know who my brothers are? They shoot marine snipers. Do you want to fuck with a Marine F ***?" She cries at one point in the tense video of one minute and 20 seconds after a passenger tried to block his way to the cockpit.

Many passengers were left speechless after the tirade. Some would have even been in tears.

"All I could think of was the kids on the plane – I said a prayer, you did not know what she was going to do," Washington told ABC News. "We were very scared and shaken by his behavior."

After being taken away by the police and taken to the hospital, the woman underwent a mental health assessment. According to KHOU, she is a military veteran and the blast would be due to post-traumatic stress disorder.

"Just to be in this confined space when someone who is going through something very traumatic in their lives and there is nothing you can do," said Washington. "There is nowhere where you can go."

Spirit Airlines commented on the incident in a statement to Newsweek.

"We apologize to our guests who have witnessed this and for the inconvenience of the delay," said Stephen Schuler, director of communications for the airline. "Safety is our top priority at Spirit Airlines."

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