Spock disembarks aboard "Star Trek: Discovery": Live updates from Comic-Con 2018, Day 2


We arrived on the second day! The San Diego Comic-Con 2018 debuted yesterday and brings you to the biggest pop culture event of the year. Check here for live updates of everything you need to know, from cool exciting announcements from Hall H to exclusive live interviews with your favorite stars in our own studio (you can also watch live on YouTube!).

Following a fun Thursday, which brought us a brand new trailer of Doctor Who and hilarious scenes Predator thanks to Olivia Munn, Sterling K. Brown and Keegan -Michael Key, Friday's schedule is jam-packed.

Events include panels for shows such as The Big Bang Theory Vikings The Undead and Star Trek: Discovery as well as movies as Transformers spinoff Bumblebee and Venom – so expect new trailers, teasing and big surprises.

As for the casts that will stop in the beautiful San Diego studio, do not miss the casts of Star: Trek Discovery Bumblebee Hi ] The Last Sharknado: It's time The passage Halloween and Castle Rock . Do not forget to check here for all these exciting sit-downs and many more Comic-Con day two!

Rebecca Romijn joins' Star Trek: Discovery & # 39; – and yes, Spock arrives in season 2

14:52 PM:

Star Trek: Discovery boldly reaches new heights

The original CBS All Access series debuted in the early images of his sophomore sophomore season. Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) in action – during his Comic-Con panel in Hall H coveted Friday.

Mount, who joined the series earlier this year, revealed an exciting new cast during the session. "We will meet the original number one," he said, referring to the anonymous sub-commander who served under Captain Pike's command. "I can not tell you who he is, but his initials are Rebecca Romijn, I'll let you imagine that."

The newly released trailer revealed big surprises for the potential arrival of Spock in the series, and showrunner Alex Kurtzman confirmed that the iconic character, played by Leonard Nimoy (and Zachary Quinto in the latest great movies screen), would come this year. There had been speculation that viewers could meet Spock after the events of the finals, when Captain Pike sent a distress call to the USS Discovery. (Spock was a member of the Enterprise crew before becoming Kirk's second in command.)

"Yes, you'll see Spock this year," Kurtzman said in the affirmative .

– Philiana Ng

John Cena Teases More From His Bumblebee Role – Wearing A Helmet From Transformers

1:23 PM:

Everyone wants to know what's John's role Cena in the next action movie Bumblebee but they will have to wait until he hits the cinemas in December to find out more. Cena embodies the agent Burns, official figure of sector 7, and talking with Kevin Frazier from ET on the second day of Comic-Con, he has, with his partners Hailee Steinfeld and Jorge Lendeborg Jr. , accompanied by a drone. The helmet showed that he had intense action scenes.

"I have a few stunts," Cena said while wearing the Transformers helmet. Travis Knight also made a surprise appearance during the interview to give a little more insight into Cena's role, adding, "There is a lot of action in the film,"

Knight also added that the fallout is "a different layer of experience for someone who does not know other Transformers," but fans will still have "good Easter eggs and cameos" from previous Transformers films Meanwhile, while Cena continued to wear the helmet throughout the interview, Frazier jokingly asked if the mask was going to scramble things between him and his ex, Nikki Bella. "

"Yeah, it's the mask that will win it" If that's really the missing piece of the puzzle, I have not properly evaluated my relationship. "

– Liz Calvario

<img data-gateway-copyright = "Mike Coppola / Getty Images" src = "http://www.etonline.com/ sites / default / files / styles / 640xh / public / images / 2018-07 / gettyimages-1002816296.jpg? itok = Fq76hzR1 "width =" 640 "height =" 460 "alt =" The Big Bang Comic-Con 2018 Theory [19659023] Mike Coppola / Getty Images

"The Big Bang Theory" Cast and Crew Flat on Sheldon and Amy's 'Hardcore Honeymoon!'


The Big Bang Theory star and producers took the stage for a panel moderated by Jerry O'Neill Connell (aka Sheldon's brother, George) Friday, concocting everything , from Sheldon and Amy, at the end of season 11, going through their "hardcore honeymoon", which begins the 12th season

Mayim and Jim make the scene, we became fans at that time "said Kunal Nayyar as he saw both characters recite their vows." This is a testimony of the show we have come to love, even though we are fans of it. I admit, I watch reruns of the Big Bang Theory . I hate to look at myself. But watching this scene, it was like being a fan of the Big Bang Theory watching these guys do magic. "

" Returning, we'll see Amy and Sheldon on their honeymoon, "adds Steve Showrunner, Holland," It's going to be the hardest to push the limits with CBS! "

– Leena Tailor [19659026]  Andrew Lincoln the undead


Andrew Lincoln confirms the departure of "Walking Dead"

12:48 PM:

During Hall of The Walking Dead Hall Friday, the star of the Andrew Lincoln series confirmed the long-rumored news The ninth season of the AMC zombie series will be the last as sheriff's deputy chief and become apocalyptic Rick Grimes

"I want to say something There seems to be an elephant in the Comic-Con room and many of you are wondering if this is my last year, "Lincoln told the crowd, emotional but promising not to cry:" I've enough cried on the show. " 19659024] "This will be my last season playing the role of Rick Grimes.Now listen to me, please, I love this show – it means everything to me.I love people who do this show … I especially like the people watching the show, you people, and this has been the l & # 39; The most amazing, amazing and beautiful experience of my career, made largely thanks to you guys and our relationship we have with you guys in this room and in rooms throughout America and the rest of the world. "

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