[Spoiler] Won "Big Brother" 2018 for playing a loyal game


The winner of Big Brother The winner of season 20 was selected by the jury during the live episode of Wednesday. With a 5-on-4 vote, Kaycee Clark was chosen as the winner of the season. As a winner, Clark will pay $ 500,000. Tyler Crispen will win $ 50,000. Crispen also won the title of "American's Favorite Houseguest" by giving him another $ 25,000 prize.

JC Mounduix, Clark and Crispen were the last three players of the match. Through a series of head chef competitions, Clark has been chosen as the last head of the family this season. This allowed Clark to choose who would join her in the last two. She chose Crispen. Crispen and Clark reached a final deal from their second day at home. Crispen, however, had several final offers two.

Jurors were invited to ask Crispen and Clark questions prior to their vote. In the conversation, Crispen explained that he deserved to win because of the controversial moves he had made in the game. He noted his victory in Power Apps early in the game, which he kept secret until the end. Crispen also noted that his acute relationship with jury member Bayleigh Dayton was designed to give him an enemy in the house.

Crispen said that he deserved to win the match because he was building good relationships, but that he also knew what was going to happen every week. He explained that he was aiming to confuse the guests and knew that he would be a controversial member of the house.

tyler bb20 Tyler Crispen is sitting by the pool "Big Brother". Crispen was the finalist of the season. CBS

Clark explained that his social game was his greatest strength. She said she felt she deserved to win because of the relationships she had created outside of the gameplay. She noted moments that she shared with opposite sides of the house when a guest colleague was upset. Clark also said she had made no promises in the house that she could not hold, an opposite idea of ​​Crispen's reputation.

In a pre-recorded segment, the jury mentioned their sour feelings towards Crispen. Many said it was the reason they had been kicked out of the house, but a majority seemed to respect its solid gameplay. Haleigh Broucher noted that he had played a role in his deportation, but that he was a strong player who still controlled the house. Although many jurors were angry at Crispen personally, most seemed to recognize that he was a driving force behind the game and deserve the title.

They also commented on Clark's powerful relationships in the house. Clark was considered a constant strength of positivity and a strong physical competitor. Clark and Crispen had both won a handful of competitions, but Clark was considered a more neutral force. Angela Rummans, who is in a relationship with Crispen, noted that Clark drove to the end of Crispen's caresses before winning his own competitions.

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