Spotify accused of sex discrimination in court by a former sales manager


A former Spotify sales manager has filed a lawsuit against the streaming music service, alleging discrimination on the basis of sex, an equal pay violation and defamation. In documents filed in the New York Supreme Court on Tuesday, Hong Perez accuses her former employer of tolerating prejudices against women in the workplace and that she was fired after being the scapegoat of her boss, then head of sales Brian Berner.

In his filing, Perez claims that Mr. Berner was reprimanded earlier this year for accepting concert tickets from a potential partner at Madison Square Garden, as well as other technical issues related to a deal. According to Hong, Berner then recommended that he end his term "for his mistakes" and that a subsequent meeting with the director of internal controls becomes controversial. Hong was fired two days after the meeting for violating Spotify's code of conduct.

The complaint alleges that other senior male executives had approved the Berner concert tickets and other elements of the agreement, but that they had not been investigated and that they had not been investigated. had not been fired. "Perez says that Berner later defamed her by sending an email to" virtually everyone from the sales team, including hundreds of employees and executives, alleging that her dismissal was due its Code of Conduct and Internal Compliance Guidelines. "

Much of Perez's lawsuit is aimed at portraying Berner as having a bias against women in general. She says that he has brought only male employees to networking events at the Sundance Film Festival in 2016 and 2017, calling them "boys' trips." During the vacation, Mr. Perez said the employees talked about drug use and physical altercation involving "boys", but that Berner never sought to apply the same code of conduct that fired him.

According to Mr. Perez, Mr. Berner granted his male counterpart a higher salary increase and a larger allocation of capital than this, despite "performance problems in his area".

The complaint also quotes men-only trips in Atlantic City striptease clubs and alleges that the company's chief financial officer once declared to a wider audience of employees that it " did not care about diversity in the company ".

"At Spotify, we do not tolerate harassment or discrimination of any kind," said a spokeswoman for the company. "We do not comment on the specific details of ongoing litigation." In the comments to Variety, the company added that Perez's claims are "unfounded".

The lawsuit comes two months after an internal report on diversity indicated that more than 38% of Spotify employees were women, the number of women board members, senior executives and other leaders being about 30%.

Perez seeks damages for lost wages and benefits, as well as punitive damages.

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