Spotlight: Nobel laureate calls for education campaign against GMO lies – Xinhua


by the writer Xinhua Wang Zichen

BRUSSELS, June 30 (Xinhua) – Sir Richard J. Roberts, one of two Nobel Prize winners in Physiology or Medicine of 1993, called to a strong government action to launch education In a recent interview by e-mail with Xinhua, Roberts, who led the effort, said that a very strong letter signed by more than 100 laureates Nobel Prize for supporting GMOs was published in late June 2016, "a number of anti-GMO groups, including Greenpeace, are a little less active than they were, and we are seeing less and less vitriolic commentary as more GMO products are released. "

the number of Nobel laureates who signed the letter increased from less than 110 at the end of June 2016 to 133 two years later.


GMOs such as golden rice, which contain its maize genes and a bacterium aimed at combating Vitamin A deficiency (VAD), support that they are low-cost, high-performance vehicles for people, especially in underdeveloped areas.

Golden Rice "has the potential to reduce or eliminate much of the death and illness caused by vitamin A deficiency, which has the greatest impact on the poorest populations. Africa and South-East Asia, "she added. 19659002] According to the letter, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 250 million people suffer from CVA, including 40 percent of children under five in developing countries.

According to statistics from the UNICEF Children's Fund, a total of one to two million preventable deaths occur each year because of CVA, as this compromises the immune system, putting babies and children in great danger. The CVA itself is the leading cause of childhood blindness globally affecting 250,000 to 500,000 children each year. Half die within 12 months after losing their sight.

However, despite the letter from the world's best scientists two years ago, only four countries have approved golden rice so far, with the latest approval from the US Food and Drug Administration. in May. Prior to that, Australia, New Zealand and Canada gave their approval to Golden Rice.

Another example is genetically modified Bt corn, Roberts told Xinhua, claiming that it is desperately needed in African countries such as Zimbabwe and Saharan Africa to combat the destruction caused by the army worm of autumn. "


The fact that few countries have endorsed GMOs and citizens around the world Scientific and regulatory bodies around the world have found that many times that crops and foods improved through biotechnology were as safe, if not safer than others, derived from any other method of production: there has never been a single confirmed case of a negative result for health in humans or animals, many times to be less damaging to the environment, and a boon to global biodiversity, "said the letter.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the largest general scientific society in the world and publisher of the well-known Journal Science, when summed up in a statement on the labeling of GMO that "the science is very clear: the improvement of crops by modern molecular techniques of biotechnology is safe."

"The World Health Organization, the American Medical Association's Academy of Sciences, the British Royal Society and all other respected organizations that reviewed the evidence came to the same conclusion : Consuming foods containing ingredients derived from GM crops is not more risky than consuming the same foods containing ingredients from conventional plants. "Plant breeding techniques," adds the release of the company's ########################################################################## AAAS.

Part of the problem that the public still has to face with scientists According to Roberts, the consensus is that "we still do not educate the public (or politicians) properly and many scientists are still intimidated by anti-GMO activists, which causes them to not respond to many incorrect articles "

" In addition, I would say that because anti-GMO groups have money p for advertising, unlike pro-GMO groups, anti have a financial advantage in spreading their message, "added Roberts


With the knowledge and understanding of GMOs still poor, evidence-based and science-based education is considered the key to influencing public opinion

. "Opposition based on emotion and dogma contradicted by the data must be stopped," writes the letter.

Mark Lynas, a professional science writer, was an experienced and open activist against GMOs.

Last week, Lynas published a "Confession of an anti-GMO activist" on Wall Street Jou recognizing that "genetically modified crops have been vilified and banned, but the science is clear: they are perfectly safe . Moreover, the world desperately needs them. "

" I would like to see an education campaign launched on television and in the newspapers that specifically pointed out the lies that tell the anti and promote the success of GMOs "Roberts told Xinhua [19659002"It'sanissuewherestronggovernmentactionwillbehelpfultopeopleespeciallythepoorForstartersGoldenRiceshouldbeapprovedassoonaspossibleSmallfarmersshouldbeencouragedandempoweredtogrowgeneticallymodifiedplantsinordertoimprovetheirproductivityandconsequentlytheirlivelihoods"notedRoberts

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