SSM Health Medical Minute – Lung Cancer Treatment


ST. LOUIS – November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. SSSM Health in St. Louis is getting the word out that early screenings save lives.

After decades of warnings about the dangers of smoking cancer is a widespread problem.

"Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer here in the United States for both men and women," said Dr. Dani Tazbaz, SSM Health's St. Mary's Hospital.

Lung cancer is usually less likely to be diagnosed, but a newly available CT Scan can be diagnosed when it is cured

"If we can detect a small cell lung cancer stage it can be treated and treated for patients who can not tolerate radiation therapy surgery," said Tazbaz.

Individuals with a significant history of tobacco should CT Scan.

"The data shown that we screen the patient early and we detect the disease early in life."

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