Stacey Abrams and Oprah Winfrey targeted by a racist Robocall funded by a neo-Nazi group


After targeting Andrew Gillum, Democratic candidate for governorship in Florida, with outrageous racist automated calls, a neo-Nazi group based in Idaho reportedly used the same tactic in Georgia, where another black candidate is engaged in a race to power as disputed.

Stacey Abrams, a Democrat who claims to be the first black female governor of the country, was targeted last week in a racially-charged, white-haired, road-to-power game, the Daily Beast reported. Media mogul Oprah Winfrey, who has campaigned door-to-door for Abrams, was also attacked in the pre-recorded message.

The voice on the Robocall, which has been passed on to an unknown number of Georgia voters, has identified itself as the "black magic Oprah Winfrey".

"I see … a potential at Stacey Abrams," the voice said. "Where others see Aunt Jemima of a poor man, I see a white woman who can vote for, especially the fat ones."

Abrams and its Republican opponent, Georgian Secretary of State Brian Kemp, have both denounced the racist call, the Associated Press reported. Kemp called the message "contrary to the highest ideals of our state and our country".

The Abrams campaign, by condemning the Robocall, added a comment on Kemp's most prominent supporter – President Donald Trump – who will travel to Georgia to replace him on Sunday.

"These automated calls are sent home just days before the arrival of President Trump, reminding voters who promotes a political climate celebrating this kind of vile and poisoned thinking," said the spokesman. Abrams, Abigail Collazo.

Kemp had planned to debate with Abrams on live television at the same time as Trump's rally in Georgia, but he canceled his participation last week, prompting Abrams to call him "for making unthinking promises". to the Georgians. The first candidates' debate on October 23 had been heated, with Kemp defending against charges of disenfranchisement.

In a coup in Kemp and his campaign, a federal judge said Friday that Georgia should relax its law on the "exact match", according to which the information of the people on the candidatures of the voters must correspond to those of the databases States, such as the use of a given name. or initial. Kemp, who was responsible for national elections and voter registration as Georgian secretary of state, defended the law, saying it was essential to electoral integrity.

Road to Power, described by the Anti-Defamation League as a group of white and anti-Semitic supremacists, has funded at least two racially-motivated protests against Gillum in recent months. Polls showed that Gillum, who would be Florida's first black governor, was running side-by-side with his GOP rival, former representative Ron DeSantis.

Polls also show a close race between Abrams and Kemp.

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