"Stalin would be proud" of the brothers and sisters who assaulted him


In happier times.
Photo: Paul Morigi / WireImage

On Friday, Democrat David Brill, who runs against Republican MP Paul Gosar in Arizona's 4th district, has published one of the most memorable announcements of the recent campaign. In this document, six men and women discuss their different problems with Gosar as a candidate – before revealing that they are all his brothers and sisters.

In another place, the Gosar clan explains how difficult (but necessary) it is to join forces against their brother.

The ads, unsurprisingly, attracted huge media attention. Gosar was forced to answer in one way or another, which he did on Saturday – naturally quoting Joseph Stalin.

He then followed with a slightly more conciliatory message:

Gosar, a lawmaker renowned for his conspiracy theory, with a long list of scandalous statements and actions to his credit since his election of 2010 (samples: he theorized that the violence in Charlottesville was a false flag operation led by George Soros and wanted the Capitol police to stop undocumented immigrants brought to this year's State of the Union address) unlikely to lose its seat. In 2016, he won 71% of the vote and his essentially rural district is considered a "strong Republican" by the Cook Political Report.

At least, Gosar's brothers and sisters drew attention to the extremism of their rebellious brother – and perhaps, perhaps, even embarrassed him a little.

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