Standing "Against white supremacy", G.O.P. Campaign leader claims Steve King


WASHINGTON – As Pittsburgh began burying the victims of Saturday's synagogue massacre, the Republican campaign leader in the House was arming everything but Rep. Steve King of Iowa, the House Republican Conference, saying, " We must stand up against white supremacy and hatred. "

The very unusual condemnation of Ohio Representative Steve Stivers, chairman of the National Committee of the Republican Congress, came a week before the mid-term elections – but after years of inflammatory and racially-charged comments by King, crowned in recent days by his a white nationalist candidate for the post of mayor of Toronto and a meeting with Austrian white nationalists, which he funds through a trip to concentration camps.

Mr. King is also struggling with the most difficult fight for the re-election of his career in the House, which has eight mandates.

"Recent comments, actions and retweets by Congressman Steve King are totally inappropriate," Mr. Stivers wrote on Twitter. "We must stand up against white supremacy and hatred in all its forms, and I strongly condemn this behavior."

Mr. King retaliated with a statement of itself, asserting that Americans of all races and "of national origin – legal immigrants and natural born citizens" are created equal. He accused his attacks of being "orchestrated by unpleasant, desperate and dishonest false news", aided by the accomplice of "Establishment Never Trumpers".

Public censorship is the latest slowdown in King's life, whose long history of racist remarks has come under closer scrutiny after the Pittsburgh synagogue shootings. After Liberal social media activists lobbied some of Mr. King's corporate donors to sever ties with this representative, Midwest dairy giant Land O'Lakes withdrew his support. in a statement, he wants his "contributions to be a positive force for the good".

A new poll conducted in the Iowa Fourth Congressional District indicates that he maintains statistical ties with his Democratic opponent, JD Scholten, a former baseball player and first – time candidate, who has him. far surpassed. The Republicans of Iowa are already at risk of losing two more seats in the House.

In nearly 16 years, Mr. King has gone from being a strong Conservative to a vocal opponent of immigration and at the forefront of white supremacy. He compared the immigrants to the dogs and said the young migrants had "calves the size of a cantaloupe" because they were carrying marijuana balls. He has already tweeted a political cartoon depicting President Barack Obama wearing a turban.

Two weeks ago, he endorsed Faith Goldy, who had previously recited the 14-word manifesto used by the neo-Nazis, in his run for mayor of Toronto. And in the spring he retweeted an anti-immigration message from a sympathetic Nazi who described himself as an admirer of Hitler. (Mr. King defended this decision by adding, "I'm going to retweet the devil if this one tweets:" I love Jesus. "That's the message, not the messenger.")

However, the tipping point may have occurred last week when reports revealed that Mr King had met in August with members of an Austrian political party associated with neo-Nazi movements while he was surrendering in Holocaust sites funded by a Holocaust memorial. charity, depths.

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