Star Jones, Iron Fist, reacts to the cancellation


The Marvel / Netflix drama was stopped after two seasons.

Finn Jones from Netflix's "Marvel & # 39; s Iron Fist" at the San Diego Comic-Con 2018Netflix panel presents

Eric Charbonneau / REX / Shutterstock

"Every end is a new beginning." Those are the words that the Finn Jones actor has chosen as the answer to the news that "Iron Fist" has been canceled by Netflix after two seasons, sharing an Instagram message full of gratitude on his experience of the Marvel series. The show resisted controversy before the start of its debut and received a warmer welcome than the other Netflix / Marvel dramas "Jessica Jones", "Daredevil" and "Luke Cage".

"I have a lot of love and respect for everyone who has participated in the last two seasons of this show," says Jones. "Defending the largest city in the world with the most talented and friendly people has been a privilege and a joy. Happy to have taken this path and grateful for continued support. ??? "

In addition to "Iron Fist" himself, Jones described the character in the cross drama "Defenders" as well as the most recent season of "Luke Cage".

Marvel and Netflix's statement announcing the cancellation of the show says "Although the series on Netflix is ​​over, the immortal 'Iron Fist' will be alive," suggesting we may not have seen it yet. the last.

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