Star Trek Discovery Is Probably Giving One Character A Spinoff Series


CBS All Access may not be the most popular Star Trek franchise and more, it does not need to be. The powers that be fully understand that, and they are continuing to find new ways to expand upon their flagship series Star Trek Discovery. The latest update? A spinoff series is in the works focusing on Michelle Yeoh's shock-centered character Captain Philippa Georgiou.

Details on the project are still mostly unconfirmed, and Michelle Yeoh is reportedly just "in talks" to cover the character for a completely different series. It has, however, already been confirmed that Yeoh's Terran Emperor (Philippa Georgiou's Mirror Universe iteration) will be back for Star Trek Discovery Season 2. According to Deadline, the spinoff project would be reportedly centered on the character of Starfleet's Section 31.

The autonomous black-ops division of Starfleet would be a stellar hook for a new show, especially with Michelle Yeoh leading the charge. Star Trek Discovery Klingon war games tactics across two different dimensions, and Season 2 is only going to ramp up the space-faring chaos. As such, fans would probably be excited to get a follow-up series.

This decision is both surprising and understandable. When Star Trek Discovery was in development, Michelle Yeoh's fans thought casting Captain Philippa Georgio would be a major part of the story at least throughout the initial season. But the character was shockingly killed off early on. Thankfully, the actress returned with a deliciously evil bent ounce of the Mirror Universe came into play.

Yeoh's performances have been made to be of great importance to a spinoff project Star Trek franchise up on CBS All Access. Currently, the spinoffs and more include the short-form character stories Short Treks (which is currently streaming), the upcoming half-hour animated comedy Star Trek: Below Decks, and Patrick Stewart Captain Picard standalone series. Ooh, if only Steward and Yeoh could share the screen in this universe.

Beyond the return of Philippa Georgiou, Star Trek Discovery Season 2 will also feature the debut of Anson Mount Christopher Pike, who serves as Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise and will help in piloting the Discovery in some fashion. Fans will also get to meet Ethan Peck's younger-generation take on Mr. Spock. IT and Mama actor creator Javier Botet will also be joining the show as an "old creature" whose identity is yet to be revealed.

Is Michelle Yeoh's Philippa Georgiou the perfect choice for a Star Trek Discovery spin off? Let us know how you feel about it, and get pumped for Season 2's big start on CBS All Access. The episode will be live on Thursday, January 17, so be sure to tune in. While waiting, our fall TV hitting primetime.

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