Star Wars Theory: The Mandalorian already exists at Canon


Jon Favreau has published the first synopsis of his Star wars TV shows, The mandalorian, and this could present the man who stole Boba Fett's armor. Cobb Vanth has already been introduced in the Star wars cannon in Chuck Wendig & # 39; s Consequences trilogy, and it looks like he's about to play in his own show.

Favreau Star wars Television series have been the subject of much speculation in recent months. Rumors indicated that the Mandalorians were at the center of the story, while a handful of filming photos evoked a desert site reminiscent of Tatooine. But the real facts were rare. at least until Favreau speaks to social media to reveal the title of the series and to present a brief summary of The mandalorian.

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According to Favreau, The mandalorian is located some time after the fall of the Empire and before the rise of the First Order. The series features a solitary fighter on the far reaches of the galaxy, far beyond the influence of the New Republic. Surprisingly, this masked man may have already appeared in the Star wars gun.

Presentation of Cobb Vanth, Tatooine's "Lone Ranger"

Until now, the time between the original trilogy and the suites was relatively unexplored. As recently as September 2017, the Lucasfilm story group was blocking news stories after the Battle of Jakku. Only a handful of novels have really talked about this period, especially that of Chuck Wendig. Consequences trilogy, which recounts the events that led to the Battle of Jakku and essentially lays the foundation for any other story Return of the jedi. This started to change, of course, with both the Favreau series and Star Wars: Resistance define in time between trilogies. It is safe to assume that both shows will support the ideas of Wendig's early novels.

And here is the interesting thing. the Consequences The trilogy really has a "solitary pistol"Wearing Mandalorian armor and fighting against injustice on the sidelines of the galaxy, he is on Tatooine and – as Luke himself has observed in New hope – If there is a bright center in the universe, Tatooine is the world furthest away from it. The first two books of the trilogy have avoided revealing too much about the Mandalorian, but the third has revealed its history; the man called Cobb Vanth and he was a freed slave after the death of Jabba the Hutt. Stumbling against a set of Mandalorian armor, Vab and Jabba's old master of animals, Malakili, fought to prevent new criminal gangs from entering the Jabba territory and returning Sloo enslaved again.

Although this has never been said explicitly, the Consequences The trilogy strongly implied that Cobb Vanth had fallen on Boba Fett's armor. It seems that the Sarlacc was seriously injured during the events of Return of the jedi, with the explosion of Jabba's sailing barge, leaving the creature partially exposed. Stoma tubes were opened and Jawas, very active, attacked them in search of treasure. The novel suggested that the Jawas had taken Mandalorian armor and that Vanth had bought them. The fate of Boba Fett, however, has never been revealed; According to Jabba, it took years for it to be digested inside Sarlacc. It may be that he is still alive, although hurt.

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All this fits perfectly with Favreau's description. Cobb Vanth was an active lawyer between trilogies; he's a lone gunman, dressed in good armor; and he's active on Tatooine, when the photos hinted at a desert setting for The mandalorian. In addition, just the first synopsis published, Jason Ward appeared on the radio SlashFilm podcast to report rumors that the character could be Cobb Vanth. The story of Cobb in the Consequences The trilogy was strange, unrelated to the main plot and relegated to a series of "interludes". It now seems that these interludes were created for ideas that Lucasfilm intended to explore further – and the story of Cobb Vanth is the first to be developed, in his case a television series.

Page 2 of 2: What does this mean for the history of the Mandalorian?

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