Starbucks advisors say the company needs to do more to end racial prejudices


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Starbucks must do much more to eliminate racial bias from its stores, according to a report released Monday that urges the company to conduct comprehensive audits on civil rights and consumer profiling

. Compiled by two civil rights experts advising the company, a month after Starbucks closed 8,000 stores nationwide to provide 175,000 employees with four hours of training on racial prejudice.

He provides commentary on this event, as well as recommendations for a Starbucks "Racial Fairness Review" – or any other company that wants to improve its practices.

"We were clear from the first day that one training alone could not solve racial bias throughout the Starbucks organization," said Sherrilyn Ifill, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Fund. defense and legal education of the NAACP. announcement announcing the report.

She wrote the report with Heather McGhee, the former chairman of the liberal think tank Demos.

Starbucks exploited the two women as unpaid independent advisers to examine how the company handles racial prejudice. The company's self-reflection came after the police arrested two black men in a Philadelphia store while they were waiting for a friend. Donors Robinson and Rashon Nelson also contributed to the report.

The incident, which took place on April 12 sparked public outrage and prompted former Starbucks chairman, Howard Schultz, to call him " reprehensible "in an open letter to customers.

In Relationship: How Starbucks Racial Prejudice Training Declined

Monday's report suggests that Starbucks conducts an internal audit to examine any customer service bias. He also criticizes the company's policy manuals for lack of adequate information on the detection or the fight against discrimination.

Other recommendations include the creation of a "client rights charter" that describes how customers can relate their experiences and which is displayed in each store.

The report also asks Starbucks to deepen its links with local communities and to consult local experts on gentrification and discriminatory police.

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He also asks Starbucks to have an "independent consultant on racial equity" to develop a detailed plan for future training sessions.

"While we applaud the commitment to further training, there is a disadvantage to the speed with which the company has developed the blueprint," write the authors in the report.

Monday's report arrives a few hours after Starbucks released details of the reforms it promulgates. It plans to launch "new training" that will build on those provided in May. The first will focus on "understanding the realities and the impact of discrimination".

Starbucks said that he "was already acting on several" received suggestions as well, including some described in the report.

"We listen and think," said Vivek Varma, executive vice president of public affairs at Starbucks, in the press release. "We are open minded and have more to do."

CNNMoney (New York) First published July 2, 2018: 20:27 ET

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