Starbucks Opens First US "Signature" Store to Serve Deaf Customers


Starbucks opened its first US "signature store" in Washington, DC, accessible to deaf and hard of hearing customers. The coffee chain has announced for the first time its intention to serve these communities during the summer.

The DC store was modeled on the Starbucks "signature store" of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, opened in 2016. In a press release, the company announced the opening of its new store and introduced the store manager , Matthew Gilsbach, who was deaf at the age of 18 months. Gilsbach will lead the effort in the new DCC store, which includes a team of deaf, hard of hearing and hard of hearing partners. Store employees must be familiar with American Sign Language (ASL).

Starbucks Executive Vice President Rossann Williams called the move "a historic moment" in a statement made this summer.

The Starbucks Slot Store is located a few blocks from Gallaudet University, one of the oldest universities serving the country's deaf and hard of hearing community. "I hope that the Signing Store will be adopted and accepted by those who live in this community. The fact that he is so close to Gallaudet University makes him even more special, "said Crystal Harris, a barista who also works in the financial services sector at Gallaudet while pursuing his doctoral studies in education.

The president of Gallaudet University, Roberta Cordano, who is also the first woman president of the university to be deaf, said in a statement obtained by Fortune Starbucks' decision to open the new store "broadens the definition of what most people think about diversity." Cordano added, "In addition to creating an ambient and fully accessible environment for members of the deaf community, this new store creates opportunities for the deaf and hard of hearing, as baristas, store managers and others. roles. "

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