Starwatch: Saturn adds a special beauty to the view of the crescent moon | Science


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The moment not to be missed this week is the evening of the 11th in the evening, just after sunset. Look to the southwest and Saturn will be hanging in the sky just below a beautiful crescent moon.

The graph shows the view at 11:30 London time on 11 November. The moon will only be illuminated at 16%, which will make it appear as a thin crescent. It's always a pleasure to see our natural satellite when it's young and that the pale point of Saturn, the farthest planet visible to the naked eye, will add a special beauty to the view.

Also this week, keep an eye out for the meteor shower north of Taurid. It will culminate in the night of 9-10 November in the southern hemisphere and 10-11 north, although rain meteors are visible for most of the month.

The shower itself is rare with only five meteors per hour expected. The meteors will seem to come from the direction of Taurus. The three stars of the Orion Belt, which will appear to the south after dark, point to the Taurus if you follow them and head west.

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