Starwatch: The rising moon goes through Saturn and Mars | Science


Starwatch chart 17 September 2018

The moon passes near Saturn Monday night. Look for it down in the south just after sunset. The graph shows the view at 20:00 BST. As the week progresses, the moon moves to the east, passing Mars on Wednesday and Thursday. It will be easy to spot because Mars is the brightest object of the moon these nights, and the planet will be of an intense red color. Also, during the week, notice how the moon changes phase. He is just passing his first phase of the first quarter (colloquially called a half-moon). Over the next seven days, he will wake up later in the evening until the full moon on September 25, when he gets up at sunset. The growing halfpipe calls for the first quarter as it occurs when the moon has completed a quarter of its orbit around the Earth. After a full moon, the illumination decreases, called decay. It will go through another halfpipe phase, called the last quarter, on October 2nd. A week later, it will become a new moon and the cycle will begin again.

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