State approves the use of medical marijuana for the treatment of autism, 10 other debilitating conditions


Autism and 10 other debilitating conditions, which include chronic pain, spinal cord injury and Tourette's syndrome, are now allowed to be treated with medical marijuana. Patients are required to be a registered Michigan voter to qualify. (19459013) Pixabay )

The state of Michigan adds autism and 10 other debilitating medical conditions to the list of diseases qualified for the treatment of medical marijuana.

Shelly Edgerton, director of the licensing and regulatory affairs department, says the update is in conjunction with the terms set out in the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act 2008.

"With the changes in the law of the State to include marihuana-infused products, and the advancement of marihuana research, and on the recommendation of the panelists, I have added these eleven conditions to the approved list ", Edgerton said. "I want to thank the members of the review committee for their hard work in discussing these petitions and their recommendations."

Aside from autism, patients with arthritis, chronic pain, colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal cord injury, Tourette's syndrome and ulcerative colitis are allowed to take cannabis for medical purposes.

Edgerton, on the recommendation of the majority of members of the medical committee the following diseases: anxiety, asthma, brain injury, depression, diabetes, gastric ulcer, non-severe and non-chronic pain, transplantation. organ, panic attacks, schizophrenia and social anxiety disorder.

How does cannabis help? Autism?

People with autism spectrum disorders experience a range of neuro-developmental challenges, including impaired language and impaired social interaction. They may also present a combination of physiological difficulties such as seizures, gastrointestinal problems and sleep disturbances, among others.

With the use of medical marijuana, some patients have shown improvements in their levels of anxiety, aggression and self-harm, cognition,

Jessica Finch, a member of the board of directors of National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said the law benefits families of autistic patients because therapies and drugs are expensive

. They have the opportunity to use medical marijuana as they and their doctors deem it good, "Finch said.

Procedures and Restrictions

The diagnosis of eligible disease is one of the main requirements, but there are other restrictions that an applicant must follow. LARA will issue registry identification cards to qualified patients upon presentation of requirements. These include proof of residency in Michigan, the name, address and telephone number of the patient's qualified physician, valid registration of Michigan electors and a written certification.

Patients under the age of 18 can receive an identity card. certain conditions. His doctor should identify the risks of medical marijuana on the patient's condition. Parents or legal guardian must also provide written consent.

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