State Health Services confirms the first cases of the year of West Nile – | Continuous news coverage


  Mosquitoes like this can transmit West Nile virus. Cropped Photo: CDC / MGN Online
Mosquitoes like this one can carry West Nile virus. Cropped Photo: CDC / MGN Online

The State Department of Texas Health Services is confirming three cases of West Nile Disease reported last week by local health departments in Austin, Dallas and Galveston. The first three cases of the year are cases of West Nile fever reported by Austin Public Health and Galveston County Health District and a case of neuroinvasive disease reported by Dallas County Health and Human Services

. people may be infected with West Nile virus the bite of an infected mosquito. Last year, Texas reported 135 cases of West Nile Disease that resulted in six deaths. There have been more than 3,500 illnesses and 167 deaths in Texas in the last 10 years.

To protect themselves and their communities, people should take steps to avoid mosquito bites and reduce mosquito populations:

  • Remove all stagnant water from within and from Outside of homes and businesses so that mosquitoes can not lay eggs.
  • Use air conditioning or make sure mosquito nets are in good condition to prevent mosquitoes [19659006] Cover up with long sleeves and long pants to help prevent bites.

Most people infected with West Nile virus do not get sick. About 20% develop West Nile fever, a fever that can be accompanied by headache, muscle and joint pain, nausea, diarrhea and fatigue. People with this form of illness recover from themselves even though the symptoms may last for several weeks. Less than one percent of infected people will develop the more severe neuroinvasive disease of West Nile, in which the virus infects the nervous system. Symptoms may include West Nile fever, stiff neck, muscle weakness, vision loss, tremors, convulsions, disorientation, coma and paralysis. Recovery can take months and some effects on the nervous system can be permanent. About 1 in 10 people with neuroinvasive West Nile disease die.

People with symptoms of West Nile virus should contact their health care provider for a test. There is no vaccine against West Nile virus and no specific treatment, although over-the-counter medications and other medications may relieve some symptoms.

Additional information on monitoring West Nile is available on TxWestNile. org.

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