Status of NASA Space Station in Orbit September 20, 2018 – ISS Reboost Service Module


The launch of a Japanese supply ship to the International Space Station has been postponed to Saturday. Meanwhile, the Expedition 56 crew continued its critical space research and maintenance of the orbital laboratory.

Storms at the Tanegashima Space Center in Japan led officials at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to postpone the launch of their one-day supply ship HTV-7. The HTV-7 should now be launched at the top of the H-IIB rocket Saturday at 13:52. EDT loaded with more than five tons of freight, including new scientific experiments and scientific equipment. His arrival at the station is now scheduled for Thursday at 7:54.

The service module of the Zvezda station pulled its engines today, slightly increasing the orbit of the space laboratory. The reboost allows for a crew exchange next month at the start of Expedition 57. Three members of the Expedition 56 crew will depart Oct. 4 and return to Earth inside the vessel. Space Soyuz MS-08. A new pair of members of the Expedition 57 crew will arrive aboard the Soyuz MS-10 vessel to replace them on 11 October.

Astronauts Ricky Arnold and Serena Auñón-Chancellor conducted a series of biomedical research sponsored by scientists around the world today. The duo is associated for ultrasounds within the Columbus European Lab Module, where field doctors monitored in real time. Arnold also worked throughout the day to process blood and urine samples in the centrifuge of the Human Research Facility.

The biological sampling work supports two ongoing experiments observing physiological changes in humans in space. The Repository study analyzes blood and urine samples taken from astronauts before, during and after a space mission. The biochemical profile study also studies these samples in search of markers of astronaut health.

Commander Drew Feustel and combat engineer Alexander Gerst worked throughout the orbital lab on housekeeping tasks. Fuestel was in the Unity module to install a computer network equipment on an EXPRESS rack capable of supporting multiple scientific experiments. Gerst moved the smoke detectors into the Tranquility module, then switched to computer maintenance in the Destiny lab module.

Situation report on orbit

ISS Reboost Service Module (SM): This afternoon at 13:05, the ISS performed a 17-second reforestation using the main SM engine. This reboost is the latest reboost in a series of three burns to set up the proper phasing for the 54S landing on Oct. 4 and 56, which will use the 4-orbit rendezvous profile on Oct. 11. The speed of the ISS has increased by 0.27 meters per second (m / s) and the height of the ISS's orbit has increased by 0.49 kilometers (km).

Express Rack 2: The crew removed the PEHB (Payload Ethernet) bridge and replaced it with an enhanced Ethernet Ethernet Gateway (iPEHG). The iPEHG design corrects the performance limitations often encountered by older PEHGs.

Atomization: The crew replaced the sampling syringes for today's atomization study. The atomization experiment studies the processes of decay of a low-speed water jet for various jet emission conditions in the Japanese Experimental Module (JEM). ) to validate the new concept of atomization by observing the process with the help of a fast camera. The knowledge gained can be used to improve various engines using spray combustion.

Binary Colloidal Alloy Test – Cohesive Sediment (BCAT-CS): The crew checked the camera's alignment and focus by viewing the latest BCAT images on a laptop. They also performed the battery replacement for the camera flash. BCAT-CS focuses on the study of forces between particles that cluster together using sediment particles of quartz and clay. Research in the ISS microgravity environment allows the separation of forces acting on particles over a short distance (adhesive forces) and those acting over a long distance (cohesive forces). The quartz / clay system is generally found in a wide variety of environments (rivers, lakes and oceans) and plays an important role in technological efforts related to deepwater hydrocarbon drilling and sequestration of carbon dioxide.

Team Task Change (TTS): A crew member has completed a team task shift survey today. When crew members need to change attention between tasks frequently, the performance of each task can be negatively affected. The purpose of the TTS survey is to find out if crew members have difficulty changing jobs and to determine the impact of these switches, to reduce negative consequences and to improve motivation and motivation. team efficiency.

External card exchange (EXT) with multiplexer / demultiplexer (MDM) processor and integrated processors (EPIC): Based on the TT & E study (Test, Teardown and Evaluation) performed on the EXT-1 MDM which failed in 2017, EPIC cards in orbit may encounter the same problem if they are subjected to cold temperatures below -20 Celsius. The crew removed the old suspicious EPIC card from MDM Spare EXT-1 today and replaced it with a replacement subject to on-board OA-9 thermal tests earlier this year. The hardware / software system of the MDM In-Orbit Tester (MOOT) will be used later to perform a MDM IVA feature test.

Moving the Node 3 (N3) Smoke Alarm: When the new USOS toilet system is launched and installed in N3, there will be an interference problem preventing easy access to N3 smoke detectors and HEPA filters before. Although several options were considered to mitigate this interference, it was decided to move the detectors from the NOD3D3-03 panel to the plenum area as NOD3D3-01; The crew partially completed this activity this morning, interrupting the movement of a smoke detector due to a faulty fastener. The controls for the successfully moved smoke detectors have been nominal and the teams are working in the future to reinstall the remaining detector in the future.

Public Affairs Office (PAO) Downlink Message: NASA is working with the National Parks Service to celebrate NASA's 60th Anniversary in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of the National Trail System Act. As part of this celebration, the crew took pictures and videos today with a mascot named Seaman Jr.; this "pupstronaut" represents a dog from Newfoundland who traveled with Lewis and Clark throughout their historic expedition. Its inscription on the pass indicated "The greatest traveler of my species" and the activity of today will inspire the next generation to be curious, courageous and enthusiastic about the idea of ​​the future. Engage in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

STEMs Recordings: One of NASA's educational goals is to inspire the next generation in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The "STEM demonstrations", video lessons recorded by crew members aboard the ISS, are one of the tools used by NASA to promote and teach different STEM topics in an exciting way. As part of this initiative, the crew recorded two STEM demonstrations, one on solar energy and the other on the integrated tower, for future use in educational products, NASA television and media applications. social.

Activities in the list of completed tasks:

Activities on the ground:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
JEM RMS SFA Stow Completion

Two days to come:

Friday 09/21:

Useful charges
Metabolic-SpaceTex2 Ops (ESA)
ESA EPO Flying Classroom-2 (ESA)
Blood sampling (JAXA)
HRF Biomedical Profile Urine Blood Collections (NASA)
Moving FSL spare parts
EXPRESS Rack 2 Locker Installation
Installing the MERLIN EXPRESS rack
Installation of Science Gate # 2 on Plant Habitat
Initial charge of the LSG laptop software for ZBook
Ops Earth Crew – KSC night lighting change

Deploying the Ethernet LAB Switch
Audit of IVA tool bag
Saturday, 09/21: Weekly housekeeping, crew decommissioning, ice brick / cold block installation, BCAT camera activities

Activities planned today:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

HRF generic HRF centrifuge frozen blood sample
MORZE. Recording of the consumption of liquids and food (drugs)
EML Gas Valves Opening
Generic example HRF Insertion MELFI
JEM Airlock Pressurization
Smoke detector in the flight maintenance node 3
СВО-ЗВ water samples in bags of Russian drinks
EXPRESS RACK 2 (ER2) Rotation
COSMOCARD. Closing operations
Water sampling unit water distribution and heating (БРП-М) to drink bags
Leakage control of the JEM airlock
HRF Generic Urine Man Collection
DAN. Experimental session
MELFI recovery and insertion operations of HRF generic samples
PEHG Hardware Installation
Support Station Computer (SSC) 8 Ethernet Cable Routing
Environmental Regeneration System and Life Support System (ECLSS) Urine Filter Assembly (UPA)
Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 1 Power On
Sequence of the SB-800 colloidal alloy flash battery
Setting up the XF305 Camcorder
Replacement of atomizing syringe 2
Preparation of the departure of the crew of the ISS
Repairs and installation of SM cover panels
Education-Imaging – Truss Recording
Education-Imaging-Registration of Solar Panels
Refilling the wastewater storage tank (WSTA)
Collection of surface samples from FGB equipment and structures
Environmental Hygiene System (EHS) – Extended Maintenance of Compound-Specific Analysis and Combustion Products (CSA-CP)
Monitoring of shutter closure on SM 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 windows.
EXPRESS Rack 2 (ER2) Reconfigure
Resetting the microcontroller memory of the screen of Potok-150MK No.043. Maintenance
Embedded training on extraction and sequencing technology of biomolecules (BEST)
Exchange of external MDM maintenance card in flight
MORZE. Psychophysiological Assessment: SUPOS Test
Update of the scorecard of the AC dry vacuum
Replacing the dust filter cassettes ПФ1, ПФ2 and cleaning the fan screens В1, В2 in DC1
PAO downlink message and photographs for national parks
Poll on the team task shift experience
Cleaning the ventilation grilles on the interior panels FGB 116, 231, 316, 431
Activation of the glove box of the science of microgravity
Biomolecule Extraction and Sequencing Technology (BEST) Biomolecule Sequencer Stow
Inventory Management System (IMS) Conference
Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency Generic Frozen Blood Collection
FGB Gas Analyzer Vacuum Cleaner
Binary colloidal alloy – Cohesive camera

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