Steam pipe explodes in Flatiron District, Manhattan


A steam pipe broke under a street in Manhattan's Flatiron neighborhood on Thursday morning, producing a thick geyser of white smoke and debris that, according to authorities, was probably contaminated with asbestos. . The explosion forced evacuations, disrupted the morning commute and evoked more serious explosions involving Con Edison's steam distribution system.

Five people were affected by debris and suffered minor injuries. I am, according to the New York Fire Department, who evacuated people from 28 buildings near the 21st Street area and Fifth Avenue.

City officials assumed that the pipe, installed in 1932, was covered with asbestos They warned people who were covered with debris to put their clothes on and take a shower.

It was expected that a hundred firefighters who responded to the explosion The Fire Commissioner, Daniel A. Nigro, said: "We operate with great caution, although sure, "said Nigri. , adding that samples from the region were sent to a laboratory to confirm the presence of asbestos. "There is a problem of exposure, but how much the health service will have to evaluate that."

If asbestos is confirmed, the area of ​​the blast, including the l & # 39; 39 outside the buildings, will have to be decontaminated. I said. This cleaning process could take several days, which means that parts of Fifth Avenue may be closed.

Con Edison, who operates the steam pipe network, said the blast had also disrupted some underground lines of electricity and gas production, but that it did not occur. had not caused any breakdowns.

"From 8 am, the fire department sent 138 firefighters and 33 units to the scene," said the spokeswoman. The police had closed several intersections, closing traffic on the main arteries, and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority said the subway trains were being re-routed and bypassing the stations there. Regional offices also advised employees to use other routes to get to work.

Corey Johnson, a speaker from the New York City Council, tweeted a video of the blast and said it was a miracle. A network of steam pipes meanders under New York, and explosions are not uncommon. A pipe that exploded during a trip from in July 2007 sent a 40-foot-tall geyser of a burning brownish steam over a busy intersection of Midtown Manhattan. One person was killed and dozens were injured.

This rupture caused damage to multi-million dollar buildings and led to legal action. One law firm said the steam system had "a long documented history" of systemic problems.

The location on Fifth Avenue is about two blocks from a major break in January 1998, which caused a massive gulf. a line of gas bursting, spitting fire in the air.

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