Steelers will not trade Le'Veon Bell, says owner, Art Rooney II


Le'Veon Bell continues its momentum, but that does not mean that the Pittsburgh Steelers intend to give their half.

"I'm expecting him to become a member of the team for the future," said owner Art Rooney II (via the NFL network). "These are my expectations."

The team had bought Bell earlier in the season and the October 30 trading deadline is fast approaching. Previously, it was announced that Bell would sign its franchise offer and report the eighth week. However, nothing is certain until this happens. When he signs and reports, James Conner and he will form a great duo in the backfield. "We learned that James is a very good football player," Rooney said. "Happy to have it."

Rooney admitted he was surprised that Bell's contract lasted so long and ESPN reported that the Steelers still do not know when Bell will show up. The Steelers 3-2-1 leave their week off Monday and when they return to work, will Bell be among them? That's what everyone guesses.

"I think the team has handled the situation well," said Rooney. "The players adapted, continuing without him. That's all you can do. But we are at the beginning of the season, we have a long way to go. We just have to keep improving every week. I can not take anything for granted. "

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