Stephen Colbert laughs with the United States General Assembly.


When the United Nations laughs, Stephen Colbert laughs with them. Donald Trump was to be the second speaker at the United States General Assembly yesterday, but he came forward so late that the President of Ecuador had to replace him. Colbert thinks he should know better because he understands the New York traffic and advises him: "Just take the subway. I know it smells like pee, but the rumor is that you're like that.

When he finally arrived, Trump went to the UN stating that in the short life of his administration, they had "already accomplished more than almost any administration in the world. history of our country. even the president had to laugh and admit that he "was not expecting this reaction". But he should be consoled by the words of Colbert: "They do not make fun of you, they make fun of each other.

Trump switched to his familiar "America First" saying that he would respect other countries as long as they too respected American sovereignty. Yet, the respect did not last long, because then, "he began to take them," as Colbert says. From Iran to Venezuela via China and Germany, the president has had a lot of criticism to circulate. Colbert compared his approach to "working the room as an insulting comic". But, in Trump's defense, he had praise to give – for Kim Jong-Un. "Putin is going to be jealous," Colbert jokes.

Regarding the migration crisis, Trump has a new slogan: "Make their country even better". The late showThe host of the agency thinks it's just the president talking about a franchise opportunity: MAGA Donald's. After all, says Colbert, he's already his own clown.

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