Stephen Colbert plays Ted Cruz for buying "Late Show" commercials on Beto O'Rourke's night


Stephen Colbert interviewed Rep. Beto O 'Rourke (D-Texas) – challenger to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in the next mid-November, at the Wednesday show of "The Late Show". l & # 39; appearance.

"Beto runs to Texas against the outgoing Senator and the man-whose campaign staff-he certainly-is monitoring this-issue-right now, Ted Cruz, because it's close, which scares Republicans, "said Colbert. "That's how Ted Cruz is afraid of Beto O'Rourke. He bought commercials on my show tonight to counter his interview.

O'Rourke later told Colbert that "the people of Texas are more than a match for President (Donald) Trump," although Trump gave his "total and total support" to Cruz.

"People are coming out of this moment of truth," O'Rourke added. "They will help us decide as a country, are we a nation of walls? Will we ban all Muslims or all people of the same religion? Will we describe the press as the enemy of the people? Are we going to take children away from their parents when they try to seek asylum, fleeing the most brutal countries of the hemisphere, if it is the planet?

Check out Colbert's comments and his interview with O'Rourke below:

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