Stephen King associates Ted Cruz with a new nickname


Author Stephen King has launched another attack on Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), wearing it this time with a new memorable nickname.

It all started with a question from author Don Winslow:

It was at least the second time that King called Cruz a "sticky crawdad".

King and Cruz have something of a story. In 2016, the man known to sow fear in the hearts of millions of people with his horror stories described Cruz as "very scary".

"Cruz is a fundamentalist Christian and it would be almost like choosing the analogue of an imam," King told the Daily Beast. "Someone whose first guiding principle would be Scripture rather than the Constitution."

Earlier this year, when King made a similar call to vote for O'Rourke, Cruz retaliated with a tweet calling his author a "liberal limo".

King, a Harley-Davidson enthusiast for a long time, did not let this slide slide:

So far, Cruz has not reacted to the insult of the "sticky crawdad".

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