Steps to treat your sagging skin


Steps to treat your sagging skin

1970-01-01T05: 30: 00 + 0530

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New Delhi, November 22 As you begin to age, the skin may begin to sag as a result of a natural loss and weakening of collagen and elastin. However, a few basic steps can help you get rid of sagging skin.

Neeleshwari Basak, owner of the World Institute of Grooming and Contests, and Arpita Das, Executive Director of Beauness By Arpita, describe a few steps.

* Smart SPF: the damage caused by the UV accelerates the loss of firmness of the skin. Therefore, wearing a broad spectrum moisturizer with a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day is the easiest way to prevent sagging.

* Moisturize intelligently: it is highly recommended to apply a moisturizer containing vitamins C and E morning and evening on the face and neck. Hydration is important to keep the skin firm and smooth with age. While selecting the right moisturizer, look for ingredients such as Aloe Vera, Soy Protein, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin A.

* Need extra effort: To improve the appearance of already slightly sagged skin, you must look for a moisturizer containing the right strong ingredients. Opt for a moisturizer containing peptides and niacinimide (or vitamin B3). It will help strengthen the natural moisture barrier of your skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

* A good massage: A hydrated skin is indeed more complete and massage the moisturizer in the skin in a circular motion for a few minutes will improve the blood circulation and give a temporary plumping effect to your skin. Massage your neck upward to prevent sagging of the skin in this area.

* Do facial exercises: follow facial exercises that avoid slackening. Do regular facial exercises after applying the moisturizer because it will prevent your skin from pulling. The first exercise is to smile without moving your cheeks and hold it for a few seconds, then release it. Do this 10 times. Another exercise is to smile as wide as possible and place your fingers on the cheekbones. Press the cheekbones with your fingers for 10 seconds. Repeat this 5 times.

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