Steve Carell has an office meeting on SNL and is asked about a restart


Let's get this money, Steve Carell!

The hosted actor Saturday Night Live for the third time and brought together several of his former co-stars from the Office… while being harassed about restarting the show. Rumors that the successful TV series NBC is coming to life, ending its 2013 season and starring Carell's lead role in Michael Scott, have recently made their appearance.

"Er, no, actually, I do not think so," said the actor in his monologue. "It was a great experience, I love all these people, but I do not think this is the best idea, I think maybe we should give up."

"I do not think it would be that good this time," he said.

Kimmy Schmidt unbreakable star Ellie Kemperwho played Erin Hannon on Officethen rose up among the audience members.

"People would really like to see a Office restart, "she said, pulling cheers. Especially me, because I really need this money. Let's get this money, Steve! "

"Um, I'm sorry Ellie, I do not think that's a good idea," he replied.

"You are a fool," she says.

Ed Helms, who played Andy Bernard on Office, then appeared.

"I do not think you understand how much money we are talking about," he said. "Like, you would not have to do all those sad movies anymore."

"I do not make these movies for money," Carell replied. "I like to do them."

The actor suggested to Helms: "Why not just hold a party instead?"

"We can all meet, get together, no cameras, just friends," he said.

"Oh, we are doing that already," said Helms. "We just do not invite you."


Jenna Fischer, who played Pam Beesly on Office, then addressed to Carell.

"Steve, do you remember the last words that Pam Secret whispered to Michael as she was leaving for Denver?" she asked.

"Not really," Carell replied.

"OK." She said: "Steve, do not be a dick, restart."

The woman of the actor Nancy Carell, who also played Carol Stills on seven episodes of Officeand their son and their daughter John and Annie were then shown.

"We think you should probably do the show," said Carell's wife.

"Uh, honey, I just do not want to spend too much time away from you," he told him.

Carell then interviewed the audience, who responded enthusiastically, and invited the three elders Office co-stars to go on stage so that he can make an announcement.

In April, President of NBC Entertainment Bob Greenblatt said The Hollywood journalist12th annual Power lawyers lunch planned by the network to restart Office.

Last month, Squire Carell said: "Because Office is on Netflix and replay, many more people have seen recently. And I think that for this reason, the series has aroused renewed interest and talks about bringing it back. But aside from the fact that I do not think it's a good idea, it might be impossible to do this show today and get people accepted as they were ten years ago. "

"The climate is different," he said. "I mean, the whole idea of ​​this character, Michael Scott, was largely based on inappropriate behavior – I mean, it's certainly not a pattern boss." Much of what is described in this show is completely wrong in spirit.You know, but I do not know how it would happen now.There is a very strong awareness of the offensive act today – this is Well, that's for sure, but at the same time, when you take a character like that, literally, it does not really work. "

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