Steve Scalise mocks Clinton: "Seriously, Hillary?


HLast week, Steve Scalise, the majority whip, mocked Hillary Clinton for claiming that Republicans were unable to be civil and that civility could not return to Congress until later in the day. To be defeated.

"You can not be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you represent, which is important to you," Clinton told CNN. "That's why I think if we have the chance to win back the House and / or the Senate, civility will then start over."

"But until then, the only thing Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength," she added.

In response, Scalise tweeted, "Seriously, Hillary?"

Many Republicans have argued that it is the Democrats who have encouraged uncivil, even violent, protests against the choice of President Trump's Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Scalise is calling for a more civil political debate between the two sides since he was injured in a training for a baseball game in 2017, an event that almost cost his life.

In a Fox News editorial, Scalise said there was "no room for violence in politics".

"Let's be clear: there is absolutely no room for violence or threats in our political speech," he said. "We need greater civility in our political debate, and it starts with us."

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